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Useful household 'bits & bobs' for fishkeeping


22 Mar 2017
After many years of using a turkey baster to deliver exact amounts of food to my fish I have discovered the delights of a salt/pepper mill. I crush granules to powder for my Corys stopping my Discus from eating all the food before they get the chance (saves me a lot of time).

Anyone else know of other useful household implements for fishkeeping ?
After many years of using a turkey baster to deliver exact amounts of food to my fish I have discovered the delights of a salt/pepper mill. I crush granules to powder for my Corys stopping my Discus from eating all the food before they get the chance (saves me a lot of time).

Anyone else know of other useful household implements for fishkeeping ?

I used an 'ingenious' swim feeder that I believe up to now is something I 'exclusively' came up with. It's used by the 'dark side' aka fishermen who use them to feed the immediate vicinity to where they indeed to catch fish. I used to load it up with freeze dried food and dropped it into my the tank (with line attached) which gave my bottom feeders a chance to get in on the act at feeding time, worked a treat!

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My wife's tights; they're great for making WK, and holding gravel to build mounds.
Toothbrush (not mine) is great for cleaning rocks and difficult to reach tank corners and seams.
Neighbours oven to mineralise topsoil...
Using this to grind the darn hard Vipa chips into powder so even the tiny rasboras get their fair share. Without it i would need to break it by hand and feet to much, having 5 fish chasing the same chunk around, than would need more than 1 chip for a feeding session. Vipa chips are rather hard and extremely dense pressed, grinded up one chip is pretty much food. Like that i can feed 2 or 3 days with one chip. :)

Painfully tried making my own water from RO which I ditched (literally) a couple of months ago and reverted back to good old tap water; I doubt there's anything better in the household collection especially the Severn Trent stuff that I ignorantly overlooked!

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I second the bank cards, and add a tooth brush...


I wonder if one of those jazzy electric whirlly ones would work on anubias leaves?
Does this count too? AT least the blade at the end might..

It's a 40cm piece 6mm carbon kite rod/tube, it once broke at a windy day during kiting.Available as custom spare part.. So i made a tank cleaning tool out of the rest of it. Saw a small 5mm deep slid in it with a mini saw. Firmly tie some coton thread around it, preventing the carbon from splitting any further. Secure the thread with a few drops of super glue, keep turning the rod around and blow the glue dry so it spreads evenly accross the thread. Snugly fit in a stanley scraper blade
and hapily scrape the glas panels anytime without getting wet sleaves. :)
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That reminds me I better put these back in the kitchen aha
Noodle/BBQ tongues used as ornament/decor grabber, and strainer used as an intank breeding trap


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That reminds me I better put these back in the kitchen aha
Noodle/BBQ tongues used as ornament/decor grabber, and strainer used as an intank breeding trap
And that reminds me, I use the kitchen sieve to rinse AS clean under the tap and once dry to sieve off the dust :D
This one seems obvious, but I have a small towel in every single tank cabinet... otherwise, I'll end up running around the house with dripping hands almost every day...

I also have a kettle to heat the water for water changes a bit faster, since I have no hot water near my "fish room"...
I use:

-Credit/Debit card for scraping glass
-Tea towels for general drying
-Turkey baster for blowing detritus into suspension before water changes