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Unknown white bugs (?)


1 Aug 2023
Hi all, wondering if these are aphids/white flies on my syngonium and if so, what should I do about it? This is my only plant that is affected1000032861.jpg 1000032862.jpg
Yep, that's aphids. Spraying with soap and water usually works for me, but you might have to repeat it a few times. Make sure to check your other plants too; at the end of summer the aphids produce a winged generation that easily spreads everywhere. If you have a large outbreak on your hands then buying some parasitic wasps might be the easy way, otherwise quarantine and spraying/manual removal is generally enough.
Plus 1 to quarantine, it’s the first thing I do if any unwanted bugs turn up. Pop it in a spare room somewhere while you treat it.
If you find the soapy water is not doing the trick (it normally will work), a soil change / re pot is a good last resort.
The soapy water spray has worked for me a few times on houseplants . I took the plants outside and hosed off as many of the bugs as I could find , let the leaves dry off and then soap sprayed them . If that doesn't work , try something like Safer's Insecticidal Soap ( if its in the UK) .