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UKAPS Members Photo Album

Here is me with my other hobby too.

ooo....is that one of those really noisy bikes? love it.

I know someone who has a ducati, and you can hear him half a mile away.
I have yet to test the DB of the bike but it will be at least 110DB based on my old bike hitting that and not even close to as loud.....
Me after a bit of wakeboarding (I'm the guy in the water)

thewelshwonder said:
me and my 'baby'


nice wheels! And the powerranger suit to boot, looks great.

What is it about 2 wheels and aquatics?

I've just passed my test, after an sv650 (waiting for smidsy payout). Anything bigger, and i'll either keep dropping it, or end up like a squashed fly. I have been known to have plants/fish stuffed down my jacket on a ride home via lfs. This is what top boxes are for (apart from my handbag).
I love bouldering.
Never been anywhere exotic for it mind.
The peak district is about as glamorous as it gets for me 🙄
some pictures from a trip to my gf's family in Arizona
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

this thing weighed a ton!


The guy next to me had issues :lol:


:thumbup: i luuuuuuuuurve tha states
starting with the baby pic.


recent pic of maself, that my gf took and before you say it yes my teeth are real and no i dont sharpen them down!

and finally me and my girlfriend at a one of her family's do's.

From left to right:
mlgt (Rik), a1matt (Matt), Frothhelmet (Gerard), Wing (Wing!)

The pic was taken at the LFKC meet last week.
Huh, I saw some of you during Aquatics Live, and now I know your names! 🙂

And this is me, making another boring aquarium exhibition report 😉

