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UKAPS Members Photo Album

Tonser said:
Me, sitting outside our favourite restaurant on Jersey 😀


What were you thinking? Those shoes don't match your handbag Tony! And here was I thinking you were a dedicated follower of fashion.
This is me on the pirate island of Tortuga but I must have just missed barron von bubba! (I'm the one on the left, happy as a pig in cool sand 😀)


Cheers T
TBRO said:
This is me on the pirate island of Tortuga but I must have just missed barron von bubba! (I'm the one on the left, happy as a pig in cool sand 😀)
Cheers T
probably just as well, 40 drunk pirates armed with plastic and rubber swords on a pub boat trip are not something you wanna bump into! ;0)
:lol: Sounds like fun! Those swords must have been sharp, the chap on the left has lost his finger tips, thats gonna sting in the morning!
Nah 😉 lol i've a pic waaay back and i met folks too.. but okay then! lol


Lol 😉
well no time like the present

there u go.
here is my passport picture ...that would explain why i always got so much troubles with immigration when i come back to Japan .... 😀
