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Twinstar..what is it?

Devils advocate asks "why is a noob with algae less worthy of this product than a 'pro' with algae?"
I think the point is that there are ways of dealing with algae that all noobs should learn first. Pro scapers are often pushing things so hard certain algae are unavoidable and painstaking manual removal is the only way of dealing with it. The difference is that a pro scaper could easily sort the algae by other means because they have learned how, making this a useful tool. I think until you understand the basics cheating with somthing like this will only compound and create future issues once you decide to push the boundaries.
Im not saying its for pros only just that noobs should understand the causes and solutions to algae before condsidering this sort of gadget
Devils advocate asks "if pushing the boundaries is where the path leads/ends why trudge along it? Especially if this does work - you'll never have future algae issues anyway"
Just #&@%/*+ buy one if you want one lol. It's £120 at the end of the day, like I've said before, you can easily slash that up the wall in one session 😀
At the moment I don't 'need' one.

If this is the start of a new way of working then what's to learn? Its like saying you have to use a filter from 50yrs ago so you can better understand the bacterial absorption of ammonia etc.

I'm just surprised at some of the, um (without prejudice cos I love you guys) elitist comments (started with saying it can't work, now pros are all over it) toward this products use by noobs, that's all 🙂
Not sure what you are suggesting James... Lol, but Anything that makes this hobby easier, is a good thing isn't it, would it not make it more accessible to everybody, isn't that a good thing? Once a person becomes interested they can chose to learn more about their hobby... I've loss count of times I thought about giving up.
I wouldnt say its elitist merely trying to point out that this is not a required piece of kit. How many noobs spend ££££ on lights only to be told to reduce the intensity.
Oh I'm very much saying its a good thing available to all. Pros are the pioneers and the trickle down effect 'May' be a wonderful future for all. In a few years time, when this thread is long forgotten, people might not even think about it -'heater, pump, CO2, fizzy algae killer.....maybe, maybe not 🙂

And I still love you guys 🙂 Not to undersell it, you have opened my eyes!!!!!
At the moment I don't 'need' one.

If this is the start of a new way of working then what's to learn? Its like saying you have to use a filter from 50yrs ago so you can better understand the bacterial absorption of ammonia etc.

I'm just surprised at some of the, um (without prejudice cos I love you guys) elitist comments (started with saying it can't work, now pros are all over it) toward this products use by noobs, that's all 🙂

thing is, nothing is really known for sure about this product, the majority of feedback is from pros that can deal with algae with or without the kit...but they find it useful. The manufacturer goes to lengths to explain you have to do a lot right yourself to stave off algae, so it's not a magic device. This is the key message, people doubt whether this thing will work for beginners, not that you can't have it! they just don't want to see people throwing another £120 at a hobby that could be better spent elsewhere. As more info comes to light then people will change their stance. In the meantime a healthy dose of caution is a fair starting point, unless you don't mind blowing £120 just to see
Hehehe you can't come into this without at the very least, a decent wad or decent credit card, a very understanding significant other and strong floors 🙂
I was an early adopter, so cost abit more for me, but I saw the benefits victor had... People blow a lot of money on a ADA tanks, nothing wrong with that, (I got my tank from eBay, very cheaply) you could chose to spend a lot less and get a similar glass tank, and use the left over money to buy the twinstar. Ether way I'm happy with my purchase, and for the first think about what to do next rather than what I been doing wrong. Lol
In that case James, add to your list these specialist pieces of equipment that could, or might, help you obtain the ultimate tank!

A £500 reg, a pump powered, recirculating, 100cm high reactor, a pump powered overflow box & sealed sump & trickle tower, auto fert dosing pump system or computerised LED lighting etc.... all these products have their followers & believers but are not necessary.... or perhaps they are for some folk!
A light covering of algae on the hardscape can be very appealing to many of us & for those people - a twinstar is unnecessary!
And a wonderful tank you have Steveno 🙂 even if you have got there by 'cheating' 😀 lol
Oh yes there is........

"You mean you're NOT using your feet to aquascape? CHEATER!!!!"
In that case James, add to your list these specialist pieces of equipment that could, or might, help you obtain the ultimate tank!

A £500 reg, a pump powered, recirculating, 100cm high reactor, a pump powered overflow box & sealed sump & trickle tower, auto fert dosing pump system or computerised LED lighting etc.... all these products have their followers & believers but are not necessary.... or perhaps they are for some folk!
A light covering of algae on the hardscape can be very appealing to many of us & for those people - a twinstar is unnecessary!

I actually agree with you foxfish...a little algae can look appealing. But it can very quickly become out if control if you not on top of it.

There's no denying it this hobby isn't cheap, but as rob has pointed out you could easy spend a lot on a night out. With regard to twinstar I just chose not go out a few nights to cover cost...
compared to spending cash obtaining forgotten conversation, questionable antics and a mother of a hangover, any buying decision can be justified :thumbup:

I dispute you need bags of cash for this hobby too...aquarist classified, gumtree, etc...pick up a decent aquarium complete with t5 lights, heater, external filter, etc etc for £250 any day of the week, CO2 set up for £60, mud from great outdoors, all gives as good results as gucci brand new