The older leaves, with the net interveinal chlorosis, look very much like magnesium deficiency. Magnesium (Mg) is mobile within the plant, so deficiencies <"show in older leaves first">. Iron deficiency also causes chlorosis, but in <"the new leaves first">, because iron isn't mobile <"within the plant">.Any thoughts on what’s missing in my water? I assumed mg, but I was then told it looks more like fe shortage.
Probably both iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg) deficiencies, which wouldn't be that surprising if you <"have very hard"> (calcium carbonate (CaCO3)) rich tap water?New growth looks like this.
I'd add them both separately, Epsom Salts (MgSO4.7H2O and 10% Mg) is good as a magnesium source but you would need a chelator for harder water . This is what I'm doing at the moment, in a <"hybrid Duckweed Index"> approach while I'm using <"Miracle-Gro"> as my fertiliser.or some other trace mix to increase the fe/mg?
I have <"the answer for you">.I was hoping to not mess about too much with powders,
cheers Darrel...............I write it all down for somebody else I do all the maths, when I'm dosing the fish tank myself, I use the "sprinkle it into your hand, tip it in the tank" method for larger amounts, and <"lick your finger, stick it in the salt, wash it off in the tank"> method for smaller amounts........
Just the iron (Fe) and a chelator that it is better in harder water, like <"FeDTPA or FeEDDHA">, rather than FeEDTA. Sorry that was my error, ambiguous and poorly written.or for iron?
That is very good advice. I believe (was told) that only Tropica Specialized contains UREA, which breaks down to Ammonium (NH4) ? And not Tropica Premium?Also, I do not recommend using EI dose to dose Tropica because both system works completely different and adds different amount of Nutrients, one of the major concern could be that you might be adding way too much NH4 if you were to dose EI with Tropica.
we are not certain weather Tropica Specialized use Urea or something else, there are several sources which can be used as NH4 without adding NO3, but its most likely that they use Urea. our test kits shows Positive for NH3/NH4 but shows 0 for NO3 when we tested Tropica Specialized. if you have Tropica Specialized then I encourage you to test for NH4 and NO3 and see what you find. am not sure if Tropica ever used NH4NO3 instead of Urea, but I do know that most companies are using Urea nowadays. some of the Nitrogen in Tropica is also coming from Chelation that is being used in both fertilizers, even Tropica Premium contain some Nitrogen which comes from Chelates but the amount is so minimum that they might not require to list it. I also recommended Tropica Premium because it will mostly cover Fe/micro issues if the Thread owner is seeing issue due to mainly Fe and Micros. plus it seems that most people who uses Tropica, they also use both in combination for best results.That is very good advice. I believe (was told) that only Tropica Specialized contains UREA, which breaks down to Ammonium (NH4) ? And not Tropica Premium?
No, no additional anything, I just add 4ml daily. I do my water changes in the evening so add 2ml before bed and 2ml before lights on.Are you adding any additional K, Ca, Mg at water changes?
No root tabs or similar, though I do have some tropica ones. Substrate is Ada aquasoil old and new capped with new tropica about, 30%ada, and is now about a year old.Any root tabs such as Osmocote in the substrate?
If you are now adding specialised+fert+mg+iron and no result, maybe try an different approach?I still haven’t gotten to the bottom of the necrosis. I have upped co2 and I’m now dosing 4ml specialized and 2ml of trace every day with a pinch of mg and 10drops of iron.
I assumed it was a po4 issue so started to dose extra npk but that made no over all difference.
Could it be snail damage? It seems most obvious in the greener rotalas.