All set?
After a trip to the LFS today, think am now all set...
- FE CO2 is working well, coming on and going off 2 hrs before the lights. Was surprisingly easy to do, and the instructions here
viewtopic.php?t=266 worked like a treat. Drop checker nice and green.
- Fert dosing regime seems ok too. Plants now aren't dying, even though they're a bit covered in brown algae over the surfaces.
The main thing is that the Botia Loaches have now gone back. I do not recommend trying to catch them in a tank with plants
. So I'm finally ready to put in the algae busting, clean up crew:
Part 1: Five cherry shrimp
Part 2: Three amano shrimp
Part 3: Three ottos.
Within about an hour they'd already made a difference! Hoping they won't get eaten, although the gold barbs (which I thought were tetras) are definitely showing an interest already.
Have just looked up the barbs - apparently they eat shrimp. Crap. Will keep you posted on whether they survive.
The plants I've got in there now are:
Cardamine lyrata, which I don't rate that much. Wispy and fly-away. But maybe now the loaches are out, it might have a chance.
Hydrocotyle verticillata, which I love. The leaves on this have gone brown over the last week or so, so definitely not that happy. Am hoping it's algae and that the shrimp and ottos will sort it out. Interested in people's views on that - is it a nutrient deficiency?
Eleocharis parvula, like everyone else! Seems relatively happy, lots of runners going out, though the odd leaves are brown and not as happy as the one in the LFS.
Glossostigma elatinoides. Looks pretty happy, though seems to be growing up rather than along. Not sure what to do about this!
And then the challenge, Pogostemon stellata (Eusteralis). Apparently this only thrives in tanks. Is supposed to have red stems and under-leaves after a while. Seems pretty happy so far.
Plus my old java ferns and a Bolbitis heudelotii, which has never been happy, as it got covered in algae really early. Hoping the shrimps and ottos will sort it out!
So a lot riding on the new entrants....
😵 Just hoping they can live up to their billing. From my reading of this site, I now can't think of anything more to do, except sit back and wait (and do more water changes). The tank is looking like this: