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Tonys 'Peacocks Crypt' - The End

Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

keymaker said:
I demand you publish all the details: camera, lens, aperture, shutter, lighting specs, placement, etc

Nikon D3X, Nikon 24-70mm f2.8 @ 70mm, f22, 1/125th, ISO200, 2 x Bowens heads - one with 60cm softbox above, and front right of tank for general fill, and one with snoot at left hand side firing across the front of the scape 8)

Shot RAW, processed in C1Pro, then in PS, cropped and graded a little 😀

Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

Tonser said:
So, things are generally going well so far, I've got fast growth coming from the Diffidis, and runners appearing from the E. Tennelus and the E Parvula too, plus lots of new shoots in the Crypt Parva 8) The Bolbitis has suffered alot of melt, so I've cut it back quite hard to encourage new growth - fingers crossed on that one.

The only problem I have is a very fine kind of hair algae, which is appearing primarily on the sand in the front corners of the tank. It seems to be from the Malaya dust which was spread around when I had to rescape - has anyone else had this ? I can remove it by twirling some tweezers around and wrapping it up, but I have to do it every morning. I guess its a flow thing as the flow is probably least in these areas ?

Here are some new pics I took last week, on Day 17.










Errrr, thats a bit good Tony. 8)

Mate, just shows your a pro photographer. I can only wish using 12 strip lights, some counter weights, a couple of pully's and some sticky back plastic brought me the same clarity of picture.

Nice one Tony, I hope to see this fill out very soon.

Respect 8)
Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

Tonser said:
keymaker said:
I demand you publish all the details: camera, lens, aperture, shutter, lighting specs, placement, etc

Nikon D3X, Nikon 24-70mm f2.8 @ 70mm, f22, 1/125th, ISO200, 2 x Bowens heads - one with 60cm softbox above, and front right of tank for general fill, and one with snoot at left hand side firing across the front of the scape 8)

Shot RAW, processed in C1Pro, then in PS, cropped and graded a little 😀

I thought it might be full-auto!! :lol:
Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

Graeme Edwards said:
I can only wish using 12 strip lights, some counter weights, a couple of pully's and some sticky back plastic brought me the same clarity of picture

Haha ! I'll come up and show you some tricks on Bones of the Earth soon 😉

I've added some Amano shrimp this weekend, and that hair-algae I was getting has disappeared overnight 😀

Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

Blimey, thats a bit tasty!
Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

wow... for some reason I managed to miss this one.

I love the spiral shapes in the wood... and it's just... fab! And I love how the wood is poking out of the top of the water.

Your photography is wonderful too. You've somehow made it look like there's no water there.
Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

The photography is simply superb. The lighting is so soft and enveloping.

Just read your discus tank journal and I have to ask (with respects to this tank)... where's all the equipment?! 😀
Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

Just read the journal from start to finish and must have that it is absolutely awesome.

The amount of talent and patience you have shown the whole time with the set up, not to mention the photography is amazing.

Will be keeping a regular eye on this.
Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

Sorry its been a while folks 😳 I've had a pretty manic month.

hellohefalump said:
Your photography is wonderful too. You've somehow made it look like there's no water ther

Thanks Helena 😀

flygja said:
The photography is simply superb. The lighting is so soft and enveloping.
Just read your discus tank journal and I have to ask (with respects to this tank)... where's all the equipment?! 😀

Thanks flyga, I'm a bit more hands on with this tank, so less automation needed :lol:

Laffers83 said:
The amount of talent and patience you have shown the whole time with the set up, not to mention the photography is amazing

Thanks Laffers83 - its tried my patience at times 😀

Well I'm not sure where the time has gone, but its now Day 58 for this tank, so I guess its a little overdue an update 😳 😀

All is going well, and I've just added some livestock over the last couple of weeks:

6 otos
12 amano shrimp and a couple of cherries
3 assassin snails
18 black neons

As for the plants, the diffidis has been rocketing away, and has had several trims so far. The cyperus helferi is growing steadily too, though the tips are darkening a bit, and there it a litle hair algae on some of them. The e tennelus, e acicularis, and crypt parvas are all growing quite nicely, and at a gentle rate, so I havent touched them yet.

The majority of the pelia turned to mush, but there is a clump on the right hand side which has some really nice growth going on, so hopefully that will get going and I'l be able to replace the bits that died.

The ones that are struggling are the bolbitis, which nearly all died back, and is only just showing signs of new growth, and the mosses, which are OK, but are growing pretty straggly. I've trimmed them back hard a couple of times, but they grow back without much side growth.

Anyhows, I cleaned things up this afternoon, so took a few pics afterwards 😀









Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

This aquascape is looking ace! The rate at which some of these tanks are growing and maturing lately amazes me.
Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

The aquascape is evolving wonderfully, Tony! Black neons are great eh?!

But the photography is worthy of separate note. It's incredible. The amount of detail and realism is astonishing - perfect tones, contrast and colour balance. It has a very natural look which I find very appealing. It's easy for folk to say it's because you've all the gear, but to use it as well as you're doing is testament to the skills of your trade.

Kudos mate, in all aspects. The bar has been raised, yet again... :clap:
Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite

really great tony.

this whole photography thing is just great. like George says the bar keeps raising, and this can only be a good thing for the UK don't you think?....it is for me at least.

the down side is, your going to make me skint at this rate :lol: I'm already looking at a camera and lens upgrade :crazy:

one critique though....the moss at the left branch doesn't quit sit right. it reminds me of a garter.other than that a stunning 58 days :thumbup: