Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite
Sorry its been a while folks
😳 I've had a pretty manic month.
hellohefalump said:
Your photography is wonderful too. You've somehow made it look like there's no water ther
Thanks Helena
flygja said:
The photography is simply superb. The lighting is so soft and enveloping.
Just read your discus tank journal and I have to ask (with respects to this tank)... where's all the equipment?! 😀
Thanks flyga, I'm a bit more hands on with this tank, so less automation needed
Laffers83 said:
The amount of talent and patience you have shown the whole time with the set up, not to mention the photography is amazing
Thanks Laffers83 - its tried my patience at times
Well I'm not sure where the time has gone, but its now Day 58 for this tank, so I guess its a little overdue an update
😳 😀
All is going well, and I've just added some livestock over the last couple of weeks:
6 otos
12 amano shrimp and a couple of cherries
3 assassin snails
18 black neons
As for the plants, the diffidis has been rocketing away, and has had several trims so far. The cyperus helferi is growing steadily too, though the tips are darkening a bit, and there it a litle hair algae on some of them. The e tennelus, e acicularis, and crypt parvas are all growing quite nicely, and at a gentle rate, so I havent touched them yet.
The majority of the pelia turned to mush, but there is a clump on the right hand side which has some really nice growth going on, so hopefully that will get going and I'l be able to replace the bits that died.
The ones that are struggling are the bolbitis, which nearly all died back, and is only just showing signs of new growth, and the mosses, which are OK, but are growing pretty straggly. I've trimmed them back hard a couple of times, but they grow back without much side growth.
Anyhows, I cleaned things up this afternoon, so took a few pics afterwards