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Tonina fluviatilis

Patience, time heals al the wounds.. 🙂

This took me 2 years and it's still not realy happy.. But it's 2 leaves happier than it was 2 years ago.. It's an Anubias above an open top tank.
At first a leaf didn't last longer than a few days, it's a few weeks by now.. But this is a totaly different type of plant. herbaceous might be even more difficult.
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Wel it's official, the Syngonanthus really doesn't like dry air, and the Tonina either. Having kept them with wet feet and dry air they wither. I've tried one of the floaters, which had a lot of roots, in the open tank and it dried out promptly.
The syngonanthus and the Tonina in the closed container and the Tonina in the jar are doing better. I will very gradually get them used to drier air. I added some i bought last weekend, the had the typical Syngonanthus style flowerstalks from the leafaxels, one flower on a longish stalk.20171120_101140.jpg 20171120_101121.jpg 20171120_101051.jpg
The syngonanthus have all perished except one i kept in the original cup.
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The tonina are suffering too, lack of humidity i guess.
Interestingly something new sprouted in that tank, not sure where it came from:
Marblelous isn't it.. :snaphappy: 😎 I never had it blown in.
In my ongoing struggle to get it emersed and used to lower humidity i got a small succes.
It's only getting sprayed now once every three days. Seeing the color i need to add more ferts to the spray ( or micro's i guess)