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Tom's Poco Pozo

I've been looking for those but couldn't find them anywhere! Mind i think they would be too big for my tank though. They will look great in yours though pal.

Tom- i've had a little idea niggling in the back of my head in terms of the sun roof lighting-
Wouldn't it be awesome if, instead of topping up from tap or whatever, if you could open the sunroof whilst raining and allow rainwater to fill the tank? Maybe a few modifications? That would be absolutely awesome.

Just a thought!

Heh that exact thought crossed my mind as soon as I set it up really. Unfortunately the skylight doesn't open, but I have just set up rainwater barrels on three roofs. Unfortunately it's been really lovely weather since we moved in so they've not caught much yet!
Ah man thats unlucky. Raindrops landing in the tank would have made a brilliant effect! Fair enough haha, wouldn't say the weather was 'unfortunate' though!
Looking good so far...glad you finally found some use for the manzi, was curious to see what you were going to do with it, and it's a good match for the stump as well. Ed is right though...where's the multimedia?🙄
I think it's time for some gratuitous tadpole shots :woot:
Hi all,
Hehe. So unexpectedly I found two sources for this - there's more coming next week. If it does well then I'd hope to have some to sell down the road a bit. Would be good to get it established in the hobby, although apparently it's pretty fickle so we'll have to see.
I think Ed Seeley grew it at one point, and I was very keen on getting a plant.

It maybe a size issue, as well as having a high light demand.

There were plants in the glasshouse pond in Munich Botanic Garden (along with all sorts of other covet-able plants), but they were quite large and it covered quite a sizable area of the pond
<Glasshouse Complex Munich Botanic Garden>.

cheers Darrel
Yeah I'll have to see how they do, the chap I got them from said he's previously had trouble overwintering them despite having them under some fairly serious lights. The ones I've got at the moment are only a few inches across so quite a manageable size, but they might either melt away to nothing or get enormous!
Looking good so far...glad you finally found some use for the manzi, was curious to see what you were going to do with it, and it's a good match for the stump as well. Ed is right though...where's the multimedia?🙄

Yeah it works surprisingly well with the big 'bog pine' or whatever it is. The manzi was actually in the last iteration of the Bucket as well but largely hidden by pants.

No multi media because everything is just a massive swampy pile of wood at the moment - looks awful and visibility is about 4 inches haha

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Yup, you're right. That's bog snorkelling consistency :cyclops:
That could be the thing finished, put real black water pools to shame.

The new black water standard - 'So thick you can slice it'
Hahaha i kind of like it! Can just imagine something massive like an arowana or something poking it's head out of the darkness! This is looking sweet regardless! What plant is that floating on the top? Thats not eleocharis is it?
Hahaha i kind of like it! Can just imagine something massive like an arowana or something poking it's head out of the darkness! This is looking sweet regardless! What plant is that floating on the top? Thats not eleocharis is it?

Yup there's loads of E. acicularis floating at the mo. Will be planted eventually.

Everything you see there cost me £8 from a garden center. Bought a big of tray of it and stuck it in the pond for a few months, it's gone berserk. There are a couple more similar sized clumps underwater which you can't see.
Oh damn thats awesome! I just can't seem to get mine to either live or grow, it just dies back. Any tips? 😛 :L