Lookes like a lovely little cute <Physella acuta>.. 🙂
Lookes like a lovely little cute <Physella acuta>.. 🙂
Do you know if the valve on the outside box affects the levels at all
I presume the level in the sump makes no difference?
DO you have a decent picture of tne complete overflow, or a link to the vendors site?.. Without it it, anybody can only guess on build air castles.. 🙂
Depends 🙂 at one point the pump will run in a too low level.. Depends again on the pump, if it doesn't have an overheat protection it wont run dry for long.
I do not see any valve on the outside box..
If it is bellow the bulkhead, than it indeed regulates the downflow and if it is pumped in faster than it drains it will rise in that chamber. But if it has a valve there, than it doesn't have much usefull function. Anyway if this overflow is doing strange things it simply is running at the end of it's capacity. (That goes actualy for any type of overflow.) Than trim your pump capacity down to make it run smooth.
I actualy do also not see any real advantage in the downward knee inside the outer box.. And the water always has to rise a bit higher than that the top of the knee to finaly flow away.
Trimming the pump is easy, put a T above it in the sump and a valve on that T, valve fully closed full power to tank, slowly open valve and some water will run back into sump and less to the tank. This way the pump is not restricted in flow it keeps running full capacity and you still can reduce waterflow to the tank and regulate it very precise..
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Ok that was not to see on the pictures.. the tube above the knee is the same as this what i posted earlier.
The air inlet and vacuum and overflow prevention... 🙂 Than te valve indeed functions as a silencer, but if yu fully close it it will prevent air from getting in and vacuum the hose. Thus it should never be closed fully.. A tiny gap is enough.. If it still makes noise plug a small piece of sponge in it to reduce it even further. 🙂
can that be used to adjust the water level for the outside box and therefore the inside too?
No... It all simply comes down to the volume capacity (flow through) of the Vacuum chamber.. There is nothing to regulate other than the volume you pump into the tank. If the overflow is acting up, it simply doesn't correspond with the amount of water you want to push through.. Thus, pump capacity doesn't correspond with drain capacity..
It all sounds very complicated vacuum here and vacuum there.. 🙄😵😕 But i do not know how to explain it any differently than i already did.
As a sump user, I can tell you that you want to a) make sure to prevent a break in the siphon tube of your overflow during a power outage, and b) you want to have a quiet overflow/sump. The first issue is managed with an air pump that will turn on and pull the air out of the siphon tube when the power comes back on. The second issue is solved by modifying your overflow to a Herbie style (as you don't have space for a Bean Animal). What you seem to have is a Durso style overflow pipe that can work but it takes work.
Good luck,
As a sump user, I can tell you that you want to a) make sure to prevent a break in the siphon tube of your overflow during a power outage, and b) you want to have a quiet overflow/sump. The first issue is managed with an air pump that will turn on and pull the air out of the siphon tube when the power comes back on. The second issue is solved by modifying your overflow to a Herbie style (as you don't have space for a Bean Animal). What you seem to have is a Durso style overflow pipe that can work but it takes work.
Good luck,
No... It all simply comes down to the volume capacity (flow through) of the Vacuum chamber.. There is nothing to regulate other than the volume you pump into the tank. If the overflow is acting up, it simply doesn't correspond with the amount of water you want to push through.. Thus, pump capacity doesn't correspond with drain capacity..
It all sounds very complicated vacuum here and vacuum there.. 🙄😵😕 But i do not know how to explain it any differently than i already did.
Have you had problems with Shrimps in the sump and or overflows?
I’m starting to answer some of my earlier questions above simply by playing with things