If the tank isn't level, than at least make sure the overflow box is at the time you prime it.. Or else you can't vacuum it completely and any air in the vacuum chamber can decrease flowthrough capacity. Put a piece of cardboard under it at the lowest side to level it. Once it is primed and completely filled you can take that away again, make sure all air is out.
To explain the noise and why it runs OK for now and not tomorow.. I created a little diagram clossest to your design and try to explain. Unfortunately i can not make an animation, so try to use imagination..
It is actualy verry simple, the thing is you do not see it happening without clear tubing..
This is your situation. And take a look at this diagram.. You only can have noise and burbs and slurps where i wrote it down in the overflow drain box.
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See the
Fall Tube, that is the tube you connected to the bulkhead in the overflow drain box that leads to the sump.
Now when the pump is running both ends of this tube are under water and closed, the tube will completely fill with water..
Gravity makes this water fall through this tube into the sump.. The lenght of this tube determines how much resistance the water has to overcome to get into the sump. But it aint only resistance, all water volume in that tube has a weight, creating a suction force draging down the water volume in the waterlock from the overflow drain box. (See red line Waterlock).
The longer the route, the more volume in the tube, the more weight and drag is sucking at the top end.
There are several natural not constant factors having influence on the waters fall speed in that Fall Tube. Air pressure, dirt particlas, trapped air pockets in the tube, slime forming at the tubes wall. It is rather dynamic it can change over night.
Now yesterday it was running fine on the tipping point of it's capacity, overnight the atmospheric air pressure changes and today the tube is draining slightly faster. And it creates an edy in the drain box. It sucks in a bubble of air.
The falling water wants to drag down this air bubble.. But the air bubble is much lighter and wants to go back up.. Now you have a battle between 2 forces going on in the fall tube, falling water dragging a bubble down and the bubble says now way i want to go back up. Than there will be a trapped air bubble in the tube that doesnt want to go down and can't get out because it's surounded by dragging water. This results in restriction, the flowthrough capacity from the fall tube becomes less as long this air bubble is bouncing up and down in the tube.
Than suddenly gravity overcomes the airbubble and it is sucked through all the way down and released into the sump (Blob sound of a bubble comming up in the sump) Suddenly all restriction gone the fall speed in the tube encreases and speeds up drasticaly, so much it creates an edy again in the drain box, suddenly sucking in several air bubbles again. Slurp sound in the drain box. And now there are 3 bubbles in the tube and all starts over again, water dragging down bubbles and air bubbles fighting this force because they want to go up flow through decreases again.
All this play creates an erratic fluctuating flow through, slurping at the top end and burping at the low end in the sump. Running fine today, maybe for a week, but there comes a day it doesn't anymore. Just wait for it.. That's what you don't want, you can't rely on it.. You don't see it happen, but make the entire route from clear tube and you will see it. That's how i found out..

I understand the difficulty of imagine something you've never seen.
At one point to much trapped air in the tube can cause to much restriction and loss of capacity simply overflowing the tank. Simply because you fall tube is to long and to narrow with both ends under water and completely filled.. This tube will get dirty over time, also this changes it's capacity, not only drain capacity also it's trap bubbles capacity.
Make that fall tube route as short as possible with the least change of anyting getting trapped in it especialy air bubbles.
Go back to this post and find a cunstructional way to fix it and make a reliable drain that never traps and never stops.