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Time for a new scape (The End)

Re: Time for a new scape

Hi all

Always Broke
Sorry I missed your post, so here it is.
To say the lawn has gone nuts would be an understatement.

Week 16
All is well except for a bit of algae on the rocks 😀 I suppose I have to give the shrimp something to do :lol: (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it 🙄 )

The left side of the tank


The right side of the tank


Peering in from the right hand end.


Front view


So far all is well 😀
Re: Time for a new scape

great carpet chris.i missed this one.wish i came to see it in the flesh now 🙁 .
Re: Time for a new scape

All credit where it is due, that is as lush as a carpet gets. Just goes to show that regular maintenance always pay off.

Do you have a journal for your new moss tank up?
or have I just let the cat out of the bag? 😳
Re: Time for a new scape

Tank is looking better and better, looked even better in the flesh Chris 🙂 well done, lets hope those shrimp start breeding like rabbits to help you clear those rocks 😉 congrats mate
Re: Time for a new scape

Hi all
nelson said:
great carpet chris.i missed this one.wish i came to see it in the flesh now .
Thanks for the kind comments nelson. There will always be a 'next time' 😀

a1Matt said:
All credit where it is due, that is as lush as a carpet gets. Just goes to show that regular maintenance always pay off.
You're too kind Matt. Although that grass is certainly high maintenance :lol:
a1Matt said:
Do you have a journal for your new moss tank up?
or have I just let the cat out of the bag?
The 'new' moss and shrimp tank is still under construction. The rocks have been in and out of that tank more times than I care to mention, but I think I'm just about there.
Will post up when I plant it, hopefully in the next week or so.

LondonDragon said:
Tank is looking better and better, looked even better in the flesh Chris well done, lets hope those shrimp start breeding like rabbits to help you clear those rocks congrats mate
Thanks LD. Your shrimp are already breeding. I've seen 4 pregnant one's tonight 😀 and lots of babies from the pregnant one you threw in too, so thanks for that. 😀
SteveUK said:
Nice and lush Chris! Great job!
Thanks SteveUK 😀

Thanks for all the great comments guys. Makes it all worthwhile :thumbup:
As you can see, this is due for it's fortnightly trim....................now where did I put those scissors? :lol:
Re: Time for a new scape

Looking great Chris.
What do you use to cut the "grass".
The wife wants the front of our tank to have a lawn like that. I think it will need an underwater mower to keep up with it.
stunning Job.

Re: Time for a new scape

Looks fantastic! I wish my Eleocharis did something like that, mine has done nothing for the past 2 weeks!
Re: Time for a new scape

Hi all
Always Broke said:
Looking great Chris.
Thanks for your kind comments.

Always Broke said:
What do you use to cut the "grass".
I use a small pair of scissors. I have the long angled ones, but to be honest I prefer to use the smaller ones. I now 'mow the lawn' once every two weeks. That certainly helped it spread in the early days. The actual trimming is the easy bit, it's the tidying up that's a bit of a bugger. All the floating bits tend to stick to the glass at the surface and you have to get them all off, which can be time consuming. Although I have developed a method that has speeded up that process somewhat. I spend about an hour once a fortnight on the trimming, so all in all not too bad.

Ajm200 said:
The tank is looming amazing. The grass has filled in brilliantly
Thanks Ajm200
It has turned out better than I thought I could manage 😀

Celestial said:
Looks fantastic! I wish my Eleocharis did something like that, mine has done nothing for the past 2 weeks!
Thanks Celestial.
Give it time. Once it takes off you'll certainly know about it. As long as it's staying green, it will take off eventually 😀

pest control said:
wow, that carpet is amazing.
Thanks pest control 😀

Once again I would like to say thank you all for your compliments and to all at UKAPS that have helped me learn how to finally grow healthy aquatic plants :thumbup:
Re: Time for a new scape


Very impressive plant growth, the tank looks great and that carpet of hairgrass is something special? How do you keep it looking so clean? Dyson? :lol: :lol:

Re: Time for a new scape

Hi Andy
andyh said:
Very impressive plant growth, the tank looks great and that carpet of hairgrass is something special? How do you keep it looking so clean? Dyson?
LD's shrimp are doing a blinding job of keeping it clean :lol:
Re: Time for a new scape


Was just wondering what lighting you have got on that tank? Its a Jewel Rio 180 right?

Also, what was this planting advice you received for the hairgrass?

Re: Time for a new scape

HI Norfolk180Rio

Sorry I missed this 😳
It is a Rio 180 :thumbup:
The lighting is the standard lighting that came with the tank. 2 x 45w T5HO.
Talking of lighting, the growth rate in that tank was mad using the EI dosing, so about 6 weeks ago I took the reflectors off to slow things down a bit. Seems to have worked a treat 😀 .
The planting advice I received from Tonser was to cut it down to 1" straight away. This certainly encouraged it to spread. In fact when I trim it now (once a fortnight) I take it back down to about 1" to 1.5" and it grows back pretty quick.
The only problem I had with that planting advice was that Tonser replied to my planting query the day after I planted it :lol: so I had to cut each small planted bit, which was a right pain as I kept uprooting it. It would have been easier to cut down to 1" whilst it was still in the pots 😳 .
Any other queries just holler as the tank's still running.
Must get round to updating the journal one day soon as all the C.Balansae on the right is bombing along nicely too.
Hope that helps.

Just spotted and replied to your PM too 😳
Re: Time for a new scape

Hi hoggie.

Sorry I missed this post. I must pay more attention.
I don't tend to visit the Journals section that much, as most of my time is spent lurking in the algae, ferts and CO2 sections. Still learning, as they say.
Dosing routine is full EI plus some extra PO4 (keeping the GSA at bay 😀 ) and it is using CO2 through an AM1000 reactor.
WIll post up some new pics soon as a few of the crypt. balansae are now up to the surface and looking a bit more jungly 😀