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Time for a new scape (The End)

Re: Time for a new scape

Thanks for the compliments guys.
George Farmer said:
What are your plans for you next 'scape? Surely you've been planning something for a while by now!
I have. The one thing I am absolutely hooked on now are crypts, so that's where I'm heading (so George and Mark Webb must take the blame for that :lol: ). The crypt in this tank was a hybrid of some sort but I just loved that plant.
Also looking forward to somewhat less plant maintenance 😉
Thanks guys.
Re: Time for a new scape

George Farmer said:
Ah, crypts. You have good taste! Can we look forward to another journal then?
Most definitely.
The photos have already begun 😀
I enjoyed this one, and was surprised how much I learnt from you guys on my journey :thumbup:
Re: Time for a new scape

Excellent. Ive already started to evolve my tank into a crypt tank, but I'm going the other way.
Going to low tech for my 400l 🙂

Also I wont be south of the river from next year, so visits to you and LW will be a mission 🙁
Re: Time for a new scape

Looking really stunning ceejay. Seems a pity to break it down 🙁 , the plants are looking so healthy.
Re: Time for a new scape

thats looking great Chris 😀 .
a crypt tank and a moss tank.you are going for less maintanance :lol: .

have you started yet ?.
Re: Time for a new scape

Hi all
mlgt said:
Also I wont be south of the river from next year, so visits to you and LW will be a mission
Thats a shame Rik. You'll have to make a whole day of it, next time you come south of the river.
Mark Webb said:
Looking really stunning ceejay. Seems a pity to break it down , the plants are looking so healthy.
Ah, but you and George Farmer are to blame for that..............in the nicest possible way :lol:
misscaretaker said:
I echo Mark's sentiments, but once you've ot bored with a scape the maintenance becomes a chore and that defeats the whole object of keeping the tank. It certainly evolved over the 12 months!
Thanks Jo. It certainly did evolve 😀
nelson said:
thats looking great Chris .
a crypt tank and a moss tank.you are going for less maintanance .

have you started yet ?.
Thanks Neil
Lower maintenance is part of the goal, but I still love the hi tech side of the hobby 😀
Started yesterday, so I'll be starting a new journal for that one.
Re: Time for a new scape

The scape looked great! So you moving into Crypts? They are just amazing plants, and they have true followers. There are so many varieties that it must be hard for one to be bored.

Looking forward to your next scape. 🙂
this one too. Jan D. Bastmeijer is a world expert on crypts:


CeeJay said:
Hi all.
Thanks for the kind words Luis (ghostsword).
I was somewhat surprised by just how many varieties there are 😀

shed loads!
and even within the named varieties there are lots of, um, varieties!
and even within one plant you can get different colours and growth patterns by planting it in different conditions, or from the different stages of it's growth.

eg if you give enough space between plants the leaves lie flat (for most, not all species), yet close together they grow upright. So by distancing them when planting, you can predict how they will grow into a slope.
I've done this with my mi oya here (it is the tall background crypt just to the right of the wood). The slope is a bit steeper than I want (it finishes to quickly), but I predict it will balance out more over the next year (uber low speed growth):


I got a bit excited there.
That's crypts for you 😀

PS George the wendtii "green gecko" is at the front right of the tank. I'll get a close up in the next few weeks.
Sorry to see this one go!!! I liked the lawn!! looking forward to your next scape and journal 🙂 Well done Chris
CeeJay said:
Thanks LD
I think you were that lawns biggest fan, (next to me of course :lol: )
You should have just brought the tank over to me!! and got a new one for yourself! That lawn!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
That moss wall is going to look great when it grows in,be sure to vac it out as it will collect lots of muck,
Re: Time for a new scape

CeeJay said:
........ I have now cut all the E. acicularis down to about 1" high.
Wish I'd done that whilst it was still in the pots 😳 . We live and learn.

Made me laugh.