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Tigmon 80x40x35

@dw1305 Could I add PO4--- trough fish food? Cause where ever I was reading about green Tropica everyone says that it is balanced very good and doesn't lead to nutrient lock down.
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Hi all,
Could I add PO4--- trough fish food? Cause where ever I was reading about green Tropica everyone says that it is balanced very good and doesn't lead to nutrient lock up.
Unfortunately it is back to the <"unknown unknowns">, every-one's tank is going to be slightly different.

If you have very pale new leaves it is caused by shortage of a nutrient that is non-mobile within the plant, so that the plant can't move it to new leaves, and the two elements that aren't mobile in plants, and cause chlorosis, are iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn).

cheers Darrel
From tomorrow I will dose 8ml of Tropica per day and to see how the plants will react on that.
Hi all, as I mention today in one thread I rescaped my tank yesterday, couldn't look at it any more 🙂 Didn't arrange space for planting nicely.
Here we go again 🙂
Still establishing dosing regime, now going little bit leaner on N and P.


Night picture.

Really need a camera, or better phone

I don't know about anubias and java fern on the left, do you think I should move it from there?


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Can someone help me with staghorn algae?

I have them on two places, on one patch of hair grass and on one leave of java fern, it's not a lot but better to find a cause now.

I know that they are co2 related so I'm questioning my co2 levels. It has 1,3 drop from aquarium water left over night. Drop is stable from lights on till off.
Flow is nice, I was carefully watching every single plant. They all wawe a little bit, especially hair grass and Java fern.
Do I need to go to even bigger co2 drop here?
Or someone has some another experience? Maybe something else can cause it?

Light is on for 7h, but one hour ramp up an one ramp down so 5h full intensity. It's 7200lumen but holding it on 6th level from 7 levels. This I would like to leave like this cause I want reds to have a little bit more.

Ferts are tropica premium 8 mil per day. And I'm adding tropica specialized maybe 8mil per week to keep nitrate lower.

Can it be that I need more ferts?

Almost forgot water changes.
I do at least twice per week 50 % cause aquarium is still less than two months old.

Thanks for reading this
Flow rate didn't mention. It's 1200lph on 112 liter aquarium.

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I don't have it but it's doable with some automatic dimmer, good idea by the way.

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No worries, hopefully
good idea by the way
no worries, hope you post here if you end up doing it as would be interested to see!

What light are you using above your tank? Considering an 80cm tank myself at some point, but there’s not many options at this dimension
I'm using chihiros A801. It's a cheep light with lot of power and 8000 Kelvin color temperature. Here was like 90 $.
U are right, it's hard to find light for this length. I didn't even think about it till I got aquarium and than I saw what I did

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I think that I have killed all staghorn algae in just one day.

Was doing small experiment. I was reading lately about Twinstar and Chihiros doctor.
They are basically doing electrolysis of the water which dissapart H2O in to a H2(hydrogen) and O(oxygen). There is a lot DIY projects about making this thing for few bucks so I made one.
Was turning it on few times yesterday for about 2min.
Today I could see that all staghorn algae became red and they are just dying. So I'm continuing this routine for sure. Fishes seem more active too, probably from extra oxygen in water. And I think it can benefit to filter bacteria.
My aquarium is always clean, I'm cleaning it good twice per week cause it's still immature, but now it looks even more clean, maybe I'm overreacting.

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I took out everything except jaava fern, Christmas moss and some bucephalandra.

Now my life is easier 44dc20dacc44c2747d090aaac5a91789.jpg2aa1a42c86bc0a96ac63ede268401ba3.jpg

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