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Through The Red Mountain

Louis, thank again for the fast response. My tap water is also hard and I have a ro unit on order. I was thinking of reminarilizing the ro water with http://www.theshrimptank.com/water-conditioners/salty-shrimp-shrimp-mineral-gh-kh/
Using your ferts will avoid using the above?
On a planted tank i dont ser the need of that. If you want to raise a little bit kh /gh just mix tap water to the ro water.
But for my experience with this fert and ro water it works very well.
Some updates.
On the past 28th October Twinstar Iberica sent me the new Twinstar RGB 600E light for testing purposes.
Here are some pictues of the aquarium.
These two photos where taken with the same settings on the machine.

Chihiros aquasky 601 at full power

30912188585_e330e6d806_b.jpgIMG_2285 by Luís Cardoso, no Flickr

Twinstar RGB 600E Light

30912181375_5e972b691c_b.jpgIMG_2288 by Luís Cardoso, no Flickr

I have make some changes on plants on the aquarium.
This is the actual state of him, two weeks after the new light and a big trimm on the middle

30276221323_12c95a8de0_b.jpgIMG_2299 by Luís Cardoso, no Flickr

Another issue on this tank is fertilization.
I'm now dosing 2x EI recomend doses.
Is the only way to the get 0,1 ppm of PO4 and 2-5 ppm of no3 on the day after before fertilization.
Can't understand why this is happening.
And was not of the introduction of the new light unit, it's a old issue.

Luis Cardoso
What ferts are you using ? i had this problem with Easy Life Fosfo . I switched to KNO3 and KH2PO4 and problem was fixed

Also using Easy Life Fero , but this one is ok for my tank .
Dry salts and make my own solutions.
The problem isn't the ferts.
The other tank is normal with the same bottle of fert
Dry salts and make my own solutions.
The problem isn't the ferts.
The other tank is normal with the same bottle of fert
Most probably new Aquasoil is the problem. If you can get a hold of ADA catalogue there is a chart that shows PO4 absorption speed.

Hi Luís,
here is my small advice...

Low PO4:
i had the same issue with my tank's, lack of PO4.
Especially with the smaller one, the lack of PO4 was unbalancing everything.

I looked at your fert and comparing with my solution, i used the double of KH2PO4!
I suggest that you try first with and extra bottle, with the extra dose of KH2PO4 and see if it solves.

Testing PO4:
I believe that you're using JBL PO4 sensitive test (if not forget this),
what i watched is that below 1ppm growth almost stop's and algae take advance...
We know that these test's and not 100% accurate, so i target the result for PO4 between 1 and 2 ppm (try not to go higher than 3ppm)

love this tank,
Nice to see an comparaison of the chihiros led vs. Twinstar led...please continue to review this. 🙂
A friend of mine has just ordered one 600ES too, can't wait too see it live!
Hi Luís,
here is my small advice...

Low PO4:
i had the same issue with my tank's, lack of PO4.
Especially with the smaller one, the lack of PO4 was unbalancing everything.

I looked at your fert and comparing with my solution, i used the double of KH2PO4!
I suggest that you try first with and extra bottle, with the extra dose of KH2PO4 and see if it solves.

Testing PO4:
I believe that you're using JBL PO4 sensitive test (if not forget this),
what i watched is that below 1ppm growth almost stop's and algae take advance...
We know that these test's and not 100% accurate, so i target the result for PO4 between 1 and 2 ppm (try not to go higher than 3ppm)

love this tank,

Yes these are the test i use.
Well Tiago, this is what i am dosing daily on my tank
- 12ppm of No3
- 1.1ppm of PO4
- 4,5 ppm of K
The day after before fertilization i have
Po4 - 0.1 ppm
No3 < 5 ppm
Ph before co2 - 7
KH - 1,5º
Gh - 7º
As you see the nitrates are consumed too.
Realy strange this tank
Well Tiago, this is what i am dosing daily on my tank
- 12ppm of No3
- 1.1ppm of PO4
- 4,5 ppm of K
The day after before fertilization i have
Po4 - 0.1 ppm
No3 < 5 ppm
Ph before co2 - 7
KH - 1,5º
Gh - 7º
As you see the nitrates are consumed too.
Realy strange this tank

Hi Luís,
i don't know 'who to blame' for 'eating' all the food...
Maybe the plants, maybe the soil, maybe the filter... (maybe all!)
But, it the tank eat's soo much, give him food! 😉
I would try to keep NO3 in that level, at least if you want really red colours.

Don't forget that twinstar light 'looks' a bit week at naked eye, but the PAR is very high! (I think is because of led's mix and also the diffuser.)
In light power, i 'think' you'll get close values with Chihiros and Twinstar fixtures. (i'll try to measure that Chihiros model)
High speed = high food!
Starting to look fine...
I have achieved to stabilize the fer values by duplicate the po4 on my AIO Mix.
Before fertilization i have on the tank
NO3 - 5 a 10 ppm
PO4 - 0,2 a 0,4 ppm
You were right Tiago
Have taken the eheim skimm and replaced the filter with a Eheim PRO 4+ 250T
Let's see if it enters on cruise control mode...

31098852951_ed3bbb50b8_b.jpgIMG_2308 by Luís Cardoso, no Flickr

Luís Cardoso
hello! i am wondering for a while if the twinstar does have any positive efect on the setups, what experience did you have with it?

PS: very nice thank, by the way! 🙂