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Three Peaks Iwagumi

19 Nov 2011
This is going to be my first attempt at an iwagumi style tank usually buy a collection from java plants just see what grows. This year decided i would try my hand at iwagumi style scape

  • Vision 180 Black
    Volume: approx. 180 Litres
    Measurements: 92 x 41 x 55 cm
  • Juwel Background STR300 Structured Bark.
  • Fluval 305 @ 1000ltrs Per Hr.
Circulation Pump:
  • Hydor Koralia Evolution 750 @ 3400ltrs Per Hr.
  • Luminaire 4x 39w HO T5 Photo period 8hrs.
  • Compressed 6kg, rhinox 5000 diffuser & 2.5ml EasyCarbo daliy.
  • Caribsea Eco Complete black (4 Bags)
Hard scape:
  • Rocks/York Stone.
  • 1.)Hairgrass, Genus eleocharis[Java-Plants]
    2.)Dwarf Hairgrass, Eleocharis parvula [Java-Plants]
    3.)Glossostigma elatinoides [PlantsAlive]
    4.)Pellia, Monosolenium tenerum [mlgt]
    5.)Coral Pellia, Riccardia chamedryfolia [George Farmer]
  • Currently Non
Ferts: Estimative Index Wet Mix
  • Macro Solution:-1000ml
    Potassium Nitrate 31g of (KNO 3)
    Monopotassium Phospate 12g of (KH2 PO4)
    Magnesium Sulphate 4g of (MgSO4)
  • TNC Trace Solution:-500ml
    3.9 g of TNC Trace
  • Day 1) 50% Water Change Add 90 ml Macro Solution & 2.5ml EasyCarbo
    Day 2) Add 90 ml TNC Trace Solution & 2.5ml EasyCarbo
    Day 3) Add 90 ml Macro Solution & 2.5ml EasyCarbo
    Day 4) Add 90 ml TNC Trace Solution & 2.5ml EasyCarbo
    Day 5) Add 90 ml Macro Solution & 2.5ml EasyCarbo
    Day 6) Add 90 ml TNC Trace Solution 2.5ml EasyCarbo
    Day 7) Rest 2.5ml EasyCarbo

Glossostigma elatinoides arrived today hope the Hairgrass turns up 2morrow so i can finish it off



Got my salts and easycarbo from fluidsensensor


Hope the glossos be ok for few days growing emersed

Planted the Riccardia chamedryfolia that George sent me that looks quite nice used hairnets to secure this down.
ceg4048 said:
Wow, 180 watts T5 over a 45G tank? Danger, Will Robinson.......

156w ceg and I'm only running a 6hr photoperiod i used this with cracking results in the past had a well nice Aponogeton crispus with loads of flowers nearly all my plants went red in colour

Look at this old journal on PFK http://forum.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk ... hp?t=75631

page 2 pictures of the Aponogeton crispus and the other plants around it all gone red

Were see how this one rolls out
Taking shape 🙂 I like the look of that eco complete. Is it sharp or smoothed on the edges ?
Antipofish said:
Taking shape 🙂 I like the look of that eco complete. Is it sharp or smoothed on the edges ?

Its quite sharp great stuff for the price ive had some stunning results in the past using it
yea idea is to fill rest of space with dwarf hairgrass got some Monosolenium tenerum for few of the other rocks got get some more hair nets before i plant that up. Hoping to fill it up next Thursday if java get the dwarf grass to me on time :thumbup:
Mixing my first lot of macro and trace mixes tonight was real easy don't know why i thought it would be such a daunting task switching over to using EI method took about 45 mins boil and cool the purified water i got this from local pharmacy £5 for 5 litres only brought this for the bottle I'm going to refill it myself with RO water just for mixing solutions. Measuring the salts out i got from fluidsensor was a lot easier using scales to weigh it in grams into pots took the guesswork out of using a teaspoon i let the water cool a bit mixed the two recipes and bottled them them left them to finish cooling in a bucket of cold water followed recipe using Fulidsensor Online Estimative Index Calculator looking forward to starting this next week


for your next picture you gotta have your laptop showing this thread on uk aps. i love scenes within a scene.
Planning my fauna I'm thinking about keeping this simple with one type of display fish and having the rest as cleaning crew
  • 15x Cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi.
    30X Red Cherry shrimp, Neocaridina heteropoda var.
    10x Otocinclus
That would give me an estimated stocking level of: 110cm leaving plenty of room for more shrimp in few months

s_66b9afa223c2e4f6cd92e77bc07d2fa7.jpg Otocinclus+Vittatus2.jpg Red_Fire_Cherry_Garnele_01.jpg
Just ordered some nice tools from AquariumPlantFoodUK

Got myself a set of the Wavey Pro Scissor going to make easy work of keeping the glossos shortpro-scissor_wave_type_200mm.jpg

Also ordered a pair of Pro Pinsetters Straight 210mm
My Misses be happy about that i wont be pinching her decent tweezer 😀 😀 😀

Cannot wait for these to arrive next week
darren636 said:
how about lemon tetra?

not bad i'm after vivid colour for my fish and have always been fan of Cardinal tetra

its ether Cardinal or Galaxy Rasbora, Celestichthy Margaritatus
I was about to comment, get some Galazy Rasbora, there great looking fish, im going to get some after my 15G cycles.