The Ada is the same price to this one has anyone had the horizon light ?
The Ada is the same price to this one has anyone had the horizon light ?
Scapenature are selling the Ada at £300 which seems atm the better price
Depends..I wonder if it helps with lower stem health in deep tanks. Just a thought 🤔
My own personal thought.. If the plant has sufficient healthy biomass above the rot translocation of nutrients should suffice to keep the less productive parts healthy.Here's the general idea behind what is referred to as "auto fragmentation".
Low nutrients, low CO2 particularly and low N, bad place to live.
Maybe current, maybe light etc, anyway, the plants break up in hopes of drifting away to a better place and regrowing, sort of like seed dispersal, but much faster and better to find new and better habitat.
Generally poor CO2, poor nutrients(easy to rule out light and nutrients).
Tom Barr
In the autumn, when deciduous leaves begin to get old, the leaf is able to break down some of the expensive pigments it has produced (such as chlorophyll) and absorb parts of them back into the stems for other uses. When the green color of chlorophyll is gone, the other colors are unmasked.
Ed. Love the look of your tank and really like the juxtaposition between the wood and Skype on one side and very green portion on the other.View attachment 169807
As I have an ADA 120p it would have been a special order. So I bought the Lightground background. Very happy with it. Very well made. I had tried the DIY method. I can make anything as I am a retired industrial maintenance man.
But I decided I could not get the same look have trying the different diy method.
Great job! But the critical component is the light diffuser. Solutions like semi-transparent films or acrylic panels deliver sub-par results... and buying a proper light diffuser raises the costs close to the commercial products 🙁DIY'd one myself. Total cost was about £30 i guess, mostly on the LEDs and the ESP8266 controller. Other stuff i had lying around. Diffusers from a broken TV and framed with some old wood battens.
The diffuser does work pretty well for me. I also routed out the frame so that i can set the leds back as well as diffusing them on the routed out section. Doing this prevents any of the annoying "dotting" that you would often associate with DIY LED light boxes.Great job! But the critical component is the light diffuser. Solutions like semi-transparent films or acrylic panels deliver sub-par results... and buying a proper light diffuser raises the costs close to the commercial products 🙁
PS: any reason to DYI the LED controller instead of using a WiFi controllable LED strip?
Not sure if the commercial background panels have such degree of flexibility. But if you are building your own panel you can use a WiFi (or Bluetooth) controllable LED flexible strip bar with fully individual configurable segments that support colour gradients and dozens of fancy effects. I am trying to find a suitable way to diffuse the light of one of those bars but so far without too much success.Ive got a cool "aurora" style setting which makes it seems like there are the northern lights running around the lightbox. Not sure you get that with the commercial products?
Ed. Love the look of your tank and really like the juxtaposition between the wood and Skype on one side and very green portion on the other.
Can I ask what lights you’re using please?