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Thermo filter by eheim any good ?

oh i see what lilly pipes you mean,really hope that the filter isnt too strong as dont want it turned down very low all the time its cheapest option thats all but dont want to spend that much if going to be too powerfull what do you think whitney ? it is a shallow tank aswel

thanks Dean
Should be ok, but I'm not a dead ex crackhead loonie who could sing very well, my names Whitey not Whitney :lol:

Only thing I would check is that the filter inlet won't be too long to fit inside the tank. Is it 13 or 17mm lily pipes you need?
Whitey89 said:
Should be ok, but I'm not a dead ex crackhead loonie who could sing very well, my names Whitey not Whitney :lol:

Only thing I would check is that the filter inlet won't be too long to fit inside the tank. Is it 13 or 17mm lily pipes you need?

LMFAO. Not any more it aint Nat... You are now gonna be WHITNEY for ever more. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap: :clap: :clap:
found this thermo filter eheim 2311 what is slightly smaller but strugging to find one in uk for decent price, anyone know any were that sells them, want a common filter aswel so easy to get parts

thanks Dean
well everyone i am now thinking eheim 2215 are these commo filters and a little less flow because i am concerened about the bigger one, maybe even an 2213 what do you think is for the best ? found a 2215 with out taps for £60 do i need double taps ? found one with media and double taps for £76

any help great
actually think will be better with 2 seperate bits aslo not really any price difference like i first thought, you think 2213 or 2215 would be better and should i get with media and double taps ?

thanks Dean
Hey Dean mate. I think (with the greatest respect) that you are falling into the same trap I did when I first started. It is understandable, but can cause you unnecessary worry. You need to stop worrying and just make a decision dude. Most if not all of the filters you have suggested will do the job. The thermofilter you mentioned would be particularly good. We have suggested ways that you can reduce flow, both by means of media loading and using the flow taps. These suggestions are based on experience rather than assumption so you need not worry.

Just buy the filter and enjoy your tank mate 🙂 By getting the thermofilter you have suggested you are not only buying a suitable filter for the current tank you are setting up, but also one that would be suitable if/when you change up a bit.

Good luck 🙂

(Incidentally, pariahrob used a Rena XP2 on his 60P (this is taller than yours but same footprint dimensions) and this filter runs at 1050lph. Rena filters also run quite close to their rating as they are bloody good. This filter was fine for his tank, so I reckon the thermofilter you cited at 700lph will be fine.

Can't really say anything more to set your mind at rest 😀
ok antipofish like you say sick of messing around so just ordered the thermofilter and payed so this thread is over and now onto my next lol thanks a lot for the help been great like you say just trying to be carefull and make sure all goes ok, now onto my FE co2 i think then buy the things for in the tank like the rocks etc

will start new thread tomorro
thanks again everyone Dean