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Theatre - Why so Expensive


17 Mar 2008
So i have been looking at a long weekend to book a trip to London.
And would either like to see the HP Cursed Child or Spirited Away.

The Cursed Child is split into 2 parts - and a decent seat is coming up as £540 for 2 people for the 2pm/7pm showing.
All the other seats available either have a blocked view or you will miss part of the play. How is this so expensive.
Spirited Away for a Box Seat for 2 people is coming in at £440 again Expensive but not as much as HP. With my tism' and Anxiety etc. I think a Box seat would be a better experience and allow me to enjoy the show then being in amongst the throng of people. and also allow for easier access and exit for the play
Funny you should mention that - Mr Fiennes also saying that the theatre is becoming inaccessible.

With the Play, Travel, Hotel etc and food for the trip im looking at easily1500 and thats just a joke.
Will prob end up trying to do in a day and having to rush around for everything.

For that Money I can book a 4 day trip abroad and enjoy myself more than a an excursion within the uk.

I had a Look at an overnight stay at the Replica of Hagrids hut and that Over £1000 with travel and food.
Paid £17.50 for two pints in a London pub last week!!
It’s not just the theatre. We all know everything is much more expensive. It’s the cost of covid crisis. Everyone from major corporations down are just transferring the cost to consumers.But I doubt the price hikes reflect the real cost of living. I’d hazard it’s mostly just greed. Everyone is charging more because they can. It’s prevalent the world over. Seems particularly bad in the UK though. I’m halfway through a renovation project. The price of materials is almost crippling. We’re way over budget.

Used to be that the free market economy was self regulating through competition. And this was assured through economic checks and measures like prevention of monopolies and merges. However, we now have a few giant corporations calling the shots. So we really need tighter regulation. Especially over companies that provide utilities and public transport and cater for basic human needs and rights. However, there is no sign that’s going to happen anytime soon.
I used to go almost every year to see Cirque do Soleil and the last couple of years has been crazy! Used to pay around £60-75 for good seats right at the front, and now those seats cost an extra £100 each! I have noticed gig tickets also have gone up 40-50%.
If you can do a midweek trip, everything will be much cheaper and more quiet.

That being said, London is expensive.
Afternoon tea at the Landmark hotel the other day was… £95 each…
will have a look, but would need to book hols for that.

the landmark is lovely, been to a wedding reception there.
Well I booked my Trip to Lisbon last night. And with Flights + Luggage + Transfers + Airport Pickup and Drop Off + A 3 Bed Apartment with Cleaning Service etc + Travel Cards + Activities Pass for the 4 Days. It Came to £1500 all in.
Its Ridic how expensive the Uk is atm.
Well just last Saturday built a Rabbit Hutch for my nephew,get everything trade price,not impressed with hutches on sale prices and they look flimsy, but the cost of this hutch a, couple of years or so ago could have paid for a garden shed! I hope these Rabbits appreciate their new 🏡 home😄
The UK is so expensive for breaks. We went to Egypt last year for in January four weeks all inclusive for food and drinks for £650 each and that was the flight as well. It was a special deal, we liked it so much we went to same resort for four weeks this year same time period paid about double for same deal, which was still good valve. The joys be being retired and being able to take longer gets the better deals and enabled us to escape the cold weather.
WAIT... are we actually allowed to grumble in here? 😀

Having lived in multiple countries and for a couple of months in Canada recently, the sad state of things is citizens of the UK (collective mass including various nationalities and myself) accepted to be taken advantage of.

Basic things like energy/transport/food are way more expensive than elsewhere (like for like). Return trip to London (30min) on a local train costs me £25 per day. This is for work. It's just under £6 for a similar trip in Paris. Please do not try to argue about tax burden, accessibility of NHS etc. They pay same amount of tax and have services subsidized. National health services are also available for those that need it. Having to buy fresh produce in Canada was the most eye opening. Talking about the quality of fruit they get from countries like Portugal/Spain/France etc. I went to check Waitrose/M&S after I came back, because I was convinced I was buying inferior stuff in my local ASDA. (I thought it was due to the fertilizer shortage caused by the war in the Ukraine) No, it's all the same ping-pong ball sized apples and tomatoes. It almost feels like UK gets sent what Canada rejected at the border. You cannot find garbage like that in the shops in there. Fist sized broccoli also come to mind, the crap we get, they actually have to be bundled up together with a rubber bands - what the blahblahblahblah- It's only happening in the UK. Canada also get a lot of stuff from US/South America, but top quality looking stuff. And it seems to be cheaper when you fx from CAD to GBP.

This will never change as long as people keep buying ping pong balls as tomatoes and accept to pay £7 to go one stop on the tube...
WAIT... are we actually allowed to grumble in here? 😀

Having lived in multiple countries and for a couple of months in Canada recently, the sad state of things is citizens of the UK (collective mass including various nationalities and myself) accepted to be taken advantage of.

Basic things like energy/transport/food are way more expensive than elsewhere (like for like). Return trip to London (30min) on a local train costs me £25 per day. This is for work. It's just under £6 for a similar trip in Paris.
True fact on the insanely high commuter costs in the UK vs. continental Europe. I take it, however, that you didn't take any trips by rail in Canada because there aren't any to be taken right? 😉

Having to buy fresh produce in Canada was the most eye opening. [...] It almost feels like UK gets sent what Canada rejected at the border. You cannot find garbage like that in the shops in there.
As a Canadian ex-pat I have to disagree. I find the quality of meat/produce in the UK much higher than in Canada (US similarly terrible). Particularly true for cheese: trying to go cheese shopping in Canada recently just made me want to return home (to the UK).
True fact on the insanely high commuter costs in the UK vs. continental Europe. I take it, however, that you didn't take any trips by rail in Canada because there aren't any to be taken right? 😉

As a Canadian ex-pat I have to disagree. I find the quality of meat/produce in the UK much higher than in Canada (US similarly terrible). Particularly true for cheese: trying to go cheese shopping in Canada recently just made me want to return home (to the UK).
I did take 2 hour trip from Toronto to Niagara Falls on VIA train. The train was on time, ran despite heavy snowfall and return journey costed as much as my daily commute to London 😀

The reason I mentioned apples is because I looked at Pink Lady variety specifically. Just making sure I was comparing "apples to apples" sort of speak. What kind of cheese/meat were you buying? Are you saying the gorgonzola they imported from Italy or manchego they got from Spain was rubbish? I'm saying that apples they got from France were better quality than the same apples imported in the UK.