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The Lovely World of Bucephalandra!

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8 Jul 2012
Thanks a lot everyone for appreciation of my work. Could I ask "moderator" to make a correction in my article?
I have no access to edit. These sentences needed correction:
From my experience, I have found that decreasing the intensity of the light and increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water can help the plant recover quickly.
...it should be:
From my experience, I have found that completely dimming the light and increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, at the time of the darkness, can help the plant recover quickly.
Even with only minimal amounts of light, Bucephalandras can continue to grow and will still produce new leaves, but the color of the plant is usually not as eye-catching.
...it should be:
Even on darkness, but well-oxygenated water Bucephalandras can continue to grow and will still produce new leaves, but the color of the plant is usually not as eye-catching.
Additionally, through my exchanging of plants with many aquarists who have “low-tech” aquariums, I have noticed that the leaves of the plants grown in such conditions are not as colorful because there is less light and not as many fertilizers for the plants to use.
...it should be:
Additionally, through my exchanging of plants with many aquarists who have “low-tech” aquariums, I was informed that the new leaves of the plants grown in their tanks are not as colorful because there is less light and not as many fertilizers for the plants to use.
"citric acid" ... i mean "food citric acid"
Darn time outs.. 🙂 Btw the way, look in nature, see especialy the Ferns, lots of time the moss is there first, just to catch a Fern spore, it gives her extra hold and food.
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