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The Grass-Cutting Ants Mystery Subterranean Megacity

I know it's mad isn't it. The SAA don't need the likes of Graham Hancock to challenge them, they seem to be doing a good job of discrediting their own organisation themselves. But it does make you wonder how seriously they are taking him and his claims and whether there is any validity to them.

Conspiracy theories aside, it does make you wonder what vested interests are so determined to maintain the status quo they feel compelled to respond at all, let alone in that manor. It's like new fangled scientific ideas challenging the ideology of the church during the European Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries. Okay maybe a little overstated but similar in a watered down kind of way, perhaps.
I know it's mad isn't it. The SAA don't need the likes of Graham Hancock to challenge them, they seem to be doing a good job of discrediting their own organisation themselves. But it does make you wonder how seriously they are taking him and his claims and whether there is any validity to them.

Conspiracy theories aside, it does make you wonder what vested interests are so determined to maintain the status quo they feel compelled to respond at all, let alone in that manor. It's like new fangled scientific ideas challenging the ideology of the church during the European Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries. Okay maybe a little overstated but similar in a watered down kind of way, perhaps.

It looks more like some personal feud of some high-placed crackhead writing in the name of SAA. It reminds me of Zahi Hawass rants in the name of all Egyptologists... He also is such a hot-headed crazy ranting megalomaniac nut case going totally bonkers when he catches a glance of Graham Hancock.
Haha, this?

Yes, I believe he had a few more encounters with Graham and also that other Belgian guy with the Orion theory of the pyramids. Have you ever seen that documentary series where Hawass is guiding a group of Archeology students into the pyramids and other sites? This man is totally bonkers and making a fool of himself even on public television and he still thinks he's a cool hotshot. The way he treated those students as if they all were idiots was ridiculous. And even tho he's seriously megalomaniac in a way it was humoristic to watch.
This is also an entertaining watch. Even though it's perhaps just entertainment, I think it's also a pretty good summary of how Gobekli Tepe and other similar sites have raised concerns about the current archeological paradigm and the origin of our current civilisation.

It also mentions evidence of a civilisation that did appear to have developed the technology to build Gobekli Tepe, as you pointed out above.

With all exciting myths, legends and prophecies aside, this is also a great straightforward summary of all empiric archaeological evidence found in Europe and Asia far older than Gobleki Tepe. These finds question the idea that Gobleki Tepe was the first find of a sudden out of nowhere human-built temple.

A long 3-hour watch, that only says there are quite a lot of archaeological finds to be discussed and considered.

A shortcut to one of the mentioned recent archaeological digs in Russia - Kostyonki where about 40,000-year-old carvings and rather large-scale temple structures are found built from Mammoth bones. The bone constructions are considered to be a precursor and a stepping stone to the later Gobekli Tepe sandstone constructions. Next to this, the grave sites revealed it was built and inhabited by a rather highly developed cultural society with hierarchical and religious beliefs.
Fascinating subject. I agree the evidence does seem to point to some sort of developmental continuum. The mammoth roundhouses certainly show ingenuity In construction , so it’s not such a great leap to imagine them carving and manipulating large stones. Especially since some of the carvings seem to have a back story.

I think there is also the possibility that an advanced civilisation lived alongside hunter gatherer societies, as we do today. And if there was a global cataclysm survivors of would perhaps have taken refuge with hunter gatherers to survive..

There may have been a transference of technology. Aside from the above technological continuum, it could be an alternative explanation for the existence of large megalithic structures with ridiculously tight joints etc. Not to mention the manipulation of blocks that weigh several tens of tonnes, eg the so called kings chamber in the great pyramid; 25-80 tonnes.
I think there is also the possibility that an advanced civilisation lived alongside hunter gatherer societies, as we do today.

That could very well be possible... We haven't found the smoking gun yet... Some archaeologists suggested it probably was the Neanderthaler from whom the modern humans learned to build after they migrated to Europe.

Sometimes when watching documentaries and or reading about ancient times I can't help thinking that if the gravity on this rock never changed then ancient humans must have been immensely stronger than we possibly can imagine. They might have lived a shorter life but with all the hardship and environmental difficulties they had to endure to survive they must have been many times stronger and more fit than the average strong man of today. The average man of today with all the technology available, is rather lazy than tired. We are stuck in modern technology and have no more need to be strong we are already pathetic weaklings compared to people from a few hundred years ago.

Even today look at some lesser-developed native tribal people with no technology available and what they can carry around without much effort. A small woman with a water bucket on her head carrying it around for miles and miles and still smiling. If I tried that I wouldn't even reach the end of the street without breaking my neck.

Look at primates, an adult Chimp isn't much bigger than a human but at least 5 times stronger, the strongest man on the planet is no match. Imagine what could a chimp build with its hands and primitive tools only if we gave it the brain of a human.

Getting physically weaker with the evolution of industrial technology also is a part of natural evolution and becoming weaker when growing smarter. Work smarter, not harder... We have no idea how strong those people really were and then take 1000nds of them at the same time. We have a very old saying when standing in front of the impossible task and that is "you cannot break iron with your hands" Maybe they could and even more... 🙂
Getting physically weaker with the evolution of industrial technology also is a part of natural evolution and becoming weaker when growing smarter. Work smarter, not harder...

Maybe we’re destined to end up like this. Who knows perhaps we are being visited by our future selves 😁
Which I suppose could bring us back to this related discussion 🙂
