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The Celestial Swamp - A voyage through a flooded forest fringe (Shallow Riparium)

Its nice to sit and watch the semi clean tank with the fish, old and new, swim about... I forgot how calming it is...

I just need to keep up with the maintenance so it brings me joy instead of heartache...

I am reminded by the comment made by @alto back in 2017 when he said "you make it sound as if the thriving plant growth died back rapidly with no time to intervene 😕
& now the underwater "plant" life is dominated by algae & mulm
"... He was right, I had time to intervene time and time again, but chose to ignore and walk away... When changes are made in a low tech, the results can take awhile to show themselves, so it's hard...

Oddly enough, the hair algae on the wood is disappearing by itself... Cleaning filter? Fert Additions? Ramshorn snails? Who knows...

I've actually thought about adding 3 more lights facing the back to encourage better growth in that direction of the riparium plants... I mentioned doing that back in 2019, but didn't...

Here's a short video if anyone is interested...

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