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The Accidental Aquascape

Quick update.
Things have been getting better very slowly. Still have some algae issues, but it's not coming back quite as quick.
Overall the vast majority of the plants are growing reasonably well, but I'm still struggling with the Hygro Pin. Even the Eriocaulon seems to be happy (3rd time trying too).

Yess more plantmass needs more ferts. Young frogbit leaves seem healthy enough, so some better growth could be the clue, so i would indfeed try some more ferts.
Hi all,
Since there is more growth/plant mass, should I increase the dosage?
Young frogbit leaves seem healthy enough
Yes, try a bit more. It is likely to be one (or more) out of the mobile plant nutrients N: P: K or Mg.

If they don't show a pretty quick response, in terms of greening and growth, keep an eye on the size of the new leaves. If they carry on getting smaller, it is likely to be the start of iron (Fe) or manganese (Mn) deficiency.

cheers Darrel
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Not quite an update, but I’m away from home and therefore the tank, so I just had to scratch that itch and make this wabi kusa.

I anticipated that I might need to take a break from the festive fun, so I brought a few essentials with me.
All the flora is from around the property we’re staying at. A couple are from the ruins of Corfe Castle, but please don’t tell the NT 😉

I’ve got an app to help me identify the flora, but I know you guys like a challenge! There’s 4 types in there.

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Hi all,
but I know you guys like a challenge!
The easy one is Pennywort (Umbilicus rupestris). The smaller plant could be Marjoram (Origanum vulgare), but I wonder if it is Pellitory-of-the-Wall (Parietaria judaica)? Scent would tell you straight away.

After that I'm struggling.

cheers Darrel
Quick update.
Things have been getting better very slowly. Still have some algae issues, but it's not coming back quite as quick.
Overall the vast majority of the plants are growing reasonably well, but I'm still struggling with the Hygro Pin. Even the Eriocaulon seems to be happy (3rd time trying too).

View attachment 129997
Looking really good. I like the palette of delicate textures you've created with the planting, and the way you've balanced it by maintaining an exposed hardscape 🙂
Looking really good. I like the palette of delicate textures you've created with the planting, and the way you've balanced it by maintaining an exposed hardscape 🙂

Tim put it perfectly.
Back from Dorset and I'm already seeing some growth in the Wabi Kusa.
It's in my Ikea grow light for herbs (thanks father christmas) at the moment, but I'll probably get it a small light of it's own.
Anyone have some suggestions for a small clip-on light?


Miraculously, there have been no major issues with the big tank. I didn't have internet for a couple of the mornings, so the Co2 came on later than it should. I had my Amazon echo camera on the tank and could see the drop checker was a dark green. So there's a bit of algae, but not a major infestation. My auto doser for the Ei ferts seems to be working well too. Will have an update on the doser in the coming week.

Tank from left

Tank from right

Carpet is the best I've seen it and the mosses are super happy.
Frogbit, Hyrdo V, Anubias, Eriocaulon and Buce are good/ok, but need a bit of something to make them as healthy as the carpet.
Rotala Bonsai is proving to be harder than expected. Looks a tad thin/pale and there is also algae on the older growth.
Hygro P, I am beginning to understand why this plant has it's reputation. For some it's a weed, for me it's just weedy. I will eventually cut the thick black stems, as I have planted some more Hyrgo P below them. You can see it beginning to poke out from the moss on the right.
All planted, so the real work begins.
Although there are a couple of plant placings I want to change, I'm pretty happy with the results.
I've kept to the 'easy' plants, as my skills are somewhat basic when it comes to plant care.

Plant list for those that are interested.
Lobelia cardinalis
Echinodorus hadi red pearl
Hygrophila corymbosa Stricta
Cryptocoryne lucens
Bucephalandra sordidula Blue
Eriocaulon cinereum
Echinodorus tenellus
Cryptocoryne lutea
Anubias barteri Petite

Oh...there are a few cheeky shrimp in there, as my other tank is now officially decommissioned.



