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Terminalia, now with a dash of guave

It will drop leaves all year, more in winter. Each leaf is (relatively) short lived. This is why it is very important to keep the trre in at least some growth, during winter (= probaply added light)
Almond being happy in the garden. At first all the leaves went deep red in the sun (far mor light than it was used too), but all new leaves are fine. Gives a tropical atmosphere:thumbup:
14605505059_e8faf6d29c_b.jpg2014-07-31 08.18.35 by Edvet, on Flickr
Wellll.................. i managed to kill that plant. Took it outside into the sun to fast and it burned to a crisp, didn't grow back 🙁

36680704134_921e9e098b_b.jpg2014-07-31 08.18.35 by Ed Prust, on Flickr

37359384572_25556de260_b.jpg2015-08-04 09.44.27 by Ed Prust, on Flickr

So i got a new one this year, small and an tadd more ugly then the first, but it will grow
37359384682_fa67d53cbc_b.jpg20170913_171755 by Ed Prust, on Flickr
Number two ""dropped dead"" without any obvious reason, got number three last year, this one is going strong also. Won''t be going outside soon, maybe in the late summer a bit...............:nailbiting: