If the shrimps look OK? I wouldn't worry too much about the bits, I might just up the water change volume.
Thanks Darrell.
I didn't have shrimps in the tank whilst dosing, as even though the product is 'shrimp safe' I thought it best to hold off on buying any livestock.
however, last Thursday I put five amanos in, and unfortunately I now have four left. One died 48 hours after adding them to the tank, in the following way, which was a bit sad and worrying
-> lethargic - slow to no movement, turned pink and stationary apart from front appendages, which fanned away franticly, passed away over a 6 hour period on the substrate amongst some plants.
I couldn't think of any way to help this lady or gent, so I left them undisturbed hoping for a recovery, and removed them when they had died.
I'm not sure what to think about this, as the other four seem ok and active, and also, at least one seems to have moulted and survived so far.
I did have some non-zero nitrite readings in the range between <0.3 ppm and 0.3 ppm (according to a tetra liquid test), however I have been dosing prime in response to this, perhaps it's this in combination with stress from transport and the new tank. ( I think possibly this could be down to small snails and flatworms dying following the no planaria overdose, as previously nitrites had been zero for two weeks -ish )
nitrites are back to 0 now and I have done some filter maintenance rinsing media and swapping floss for new stuff.
Acclimation wise for the amanos I did this:
I tested GH, KH, TDS in the tank and the bag, and they where similar. then I drip acclimated them over about an hour until I had doubled the volume of water in the bag. one thing I didn't do which I realise in retrospect I should have done is make a little solution of some bag water and a drop or two of prime, and syringe that in to the bag when I got home with the shrimp.
Does anyone have any advice on whether to be worried about this death, and whether to hold off adding more livestock at the end of the week? (I was planning on getting around 8-10 celesial danios, and possibly some cherry shrimp, and 3 small ottos depending on whether that is or isn't too much stuff in one go)
also, does that acclimation sound ok (for shrimp)?
Darrel, I've read that you yourself (and others) err on the side of getting fish out of the bag as quickly as practical once temperature is equalised? so I will follow this for the fish, but shrimp I was going to take much longer.
Many Thanks,