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surface scum in freshwater


26 Oct 2010
Lancaster,England, UK
Help! :crazy:

Does anyone out there know how to deal with surface scum in my planted aquarium (36"x18"x12")?
I have 2 internal filters running (fluval 2 & fluval 1)adequate t5 lighting, mainly vallis,crytocorne &swords -lightly stocked - 2 mature platydoras & 2 mature pimolodus pictus. I use a Tetra plant C02 injection system and a drop checker which indicates medium - low co2 levels.
I have both filters situated 2" below the water surface to minimise surfaceagitation (loss of C02 too quickly), yet this naff scum accumilates, besides looking unsightly I worry that it is an underlying problem that could get worse - how can I remove this? I thought the use of protien skimmers were just for salt water aquaria.

Baffled 😳
Barrapp57 said:
Help! :crazy:

Does anyone out there know how to deal with surface scum in my planted aquarium (36"x18"x12")?
I have 2 internal filters running (fluval 2 & fluval 1)adequate t5 lighting, mainly vallis,crytocorne &swords -lightly stocked - 2 mature platydoras & 2 mature pimolodus pictus. I use a Tetra plant C02 injection system and a drop checker which indicates medium - low co2 levels.
I have both filters situated 2" below the water surface to minimise surfaceagitation (loss of C02 too quickly), yet this naff scum accumilates, besides looking unsightly I worry that it is an underlying problem that could get worse - how can I remove this? I thought the use of protien skimmers were just for salt water aquaria.
This is definitely an indication of an underlying problem. Protein skimmers do little to solve this problem because a skimmer cannot solve the issue of poor plant health. Click to see the thread==> Surface Scum

I find my Ramshorn's and MTS sorts it out :thumbup:

You see them upside down on the surface eating it.
I can almost guarantee that when my stem plants reach the surface the scum goes within days. Trim them back and it returns.

I'll hopefully have circulation pump going in when it finally arrives from China so we'll see if that helps!