Sorry to post in that thread now but I was subscribed to learn a bit about this issue but yes... I have found a nasty surface film in my tank today.
My situation is a bit special as it is only the 5th day since planting (60 liters, 48w T5, CO2 pressurized and EI ferts from day one) so my substrate is leaching nutrients and some plants that are adapting to the new environment (so, some leaves melting, etc.). I have an additional problem: a white mold/fungus is growing in my redmoor. I used to remove it in other tanks when I had it, but this new tank has two pieces plenty of branches and I'm doing a mess each time I try to clean it all. Moreover I have noticed that even after a 50% WC (done during this first week daily), plenty of white little pieces of the fungus are everywhere in the water... and finally float to the surface.
My worry is not right now the surface film itself but to be able to pass this first month without an algae bloom...but as far as I have read this surface film is organic matter. Will the surface film increase the probability of an algae outbreak during the cycling?
Will you remove the white fungus from the redmoor or would you leave it alone? (I've read that it vanishes in a week or so... but I don't want this to be the feedstuff for algae)