Again, a skimmer like Eheims or ADA vuppa, or a DIY from a soda bottle, they all work like a charm. BUT, it all masks the true cause. Like when someone is banging on your head with a hammer, you just take a shot of morphine to reduce the pain! Perhaps a Twinstar to compliment it?
First ask yourself, what is this layer composed off? After that, where does that stuff come from? If you can answer those two questions, you can take action at the root cause.
Unfortunate I don't know 100% sure because it isn't made out of one type of material. This scum layer contains lipids (the oily stuff) and proteins (the white stuff that makes the bubbles). The composition differs from aquarium to aquarium, thus the layer being more white, or more oily. Besides these two substances, it contains bacteria. To be more precise heterotropic bacteria. They use the proteins and lipids as a food source.
So assume this is it, where do these proteins and lipids come from. From food, like mentioned before, fish feces off course, and the main sources in our planted tanks -> unhealthy plants and bacteria that are living in suboptimal conditions.
So how to solve this besides the obvious reduced feeding: during the day, make sure your plants have everything they need, so they won't break down their old leaves to produce new ones. This results in organic waste. But more important, at night, provide optimal circumstances for your bacteria! Bacteria do best in alkaline water (high pH), so during the day they are waaay less active than they can be, because the pH is quite low due to all the CO2 we inject. No problem, they can be dormant for a while, but make sure that during the night (when we don't need all that CO2 and low pH for our plants) there is plenty of oxygen for the bacteria and pH is higher.
Off course why listen to me? So I'll make it a little more convincing. Amano! Now I've got your attention, don't I. Why do you think he doesn't run CO2 day and night? And why does he mention he aerates his aquaria at night? You think it is a coincidence the old man has the optimum pH that plants can use nutrients during the day and the optimum pH for bacteria at night...?