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Supporting UKAPS?

Hi Folks, i've just had an email saying it'll be one more week before they can send the tools out so give it a couple of weeks and the tools will be sent to those who have kindly payed in advance. Blimey it feels like this has been dragging of forever 🙄
Thanks for the update Dan, and its not a problem I can wait 😉 Was going to buy a set on ebay but since you guys were doing one might aswell support the site than send my cash to Hong Kong 😉
LondonDragon said:
Was going to buy a set on ebay but since you guys were doing one might aswell support the site than send my cash to Hong Kong 😉
That was my theory too. Plus these are 'badged' 😉 :lol:
Thanks for the update Dan! Waiting is saving me pennies... am waiting for them before I order more plants :lol:
BTW I didn't even check lol how many tools are in the set? Is it the 5 tool kit or just 3?
Something jogged my memory about these (ok I admit it I was window shopping on AE again 😳 ) any word on them?
An email at 5am this morning after a week of chasing them "It should be ready by the end of this week. Due to some heavy order of different clients, it is delayed. Sorry for inconvenience. Just wait two three more days."
so there you go folks, in theory they should be here buy the end of next week. Apologies for the wait i know some of you have been waiting quite some time.
Not a problem Dan, just to recap what I asked before are these the 5 piece kit? didn't even bother to ask before just assumed they were. cheers
Thanks Dan, those scissors will come in handy, using a tiny one which is not great at the moment 😉
From memory, these have:

Straight scissors
Curved scissors
Straight forceps
Angled forceps (very useful!)
Flat substrate shovel (double ended, small and large end) - This is also sharp enough (not like a knife though) to cut roots through the substrate around established plants.

I'll take a pic of my set tonight if I can, though I don't have the curved scissors as I bought my set off of Dan and they are a pre-release model 😉
Dan Crawford said:
An email at 5am this morning after a week of chasing them "It should be ready by the end of this week. Due to some heavy order of different clients, it is delayed. Sorry for inconvenience. Just wait two three more days."
so there you go folks, in theory they should be here buy the end of next week.
It sounds like they're giving you a bit of a run around, any chance of getting them to give you a discount thereby bolstering UKaps funds? 😉
Dan Crawford said:
Apologies for the wait i know some of you have been waiting quite some time.
No worries, you know I'm just waiting on the logo right :lol:
Egmel said:
No worries, you know I'm just waiting on the logo right :lol:
Send him a sticker, it will keep him quiet for a while! :lol: :lol: 🙄 🙄
LondonDragon said:
Send him a sticker, it will keep him quiet for a while! :lol: :lol: 🙄 🙄
*her* 😉

But you do stickers 😀 😉 ..... Only joking, I'll survive until they arrive 🙂
Yeh i do stickers, window stickers, bumper stickers, big stickers, little stickers all kinds of stickers. a window sticker will be included with all aquascaping kits, as with most stuff that i send out.