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Supporting UKAPS?

A UKAPs callender would be cool, especially if it featured the 12 best tanks/pictures donated by members of this site.
How weird, i was in focus this afternoon and saw some cat and dog calanders and thought exactly that! great minds hey.......
is there a printable flyer/poster ? i was thinking of printhing one to put up in my lfs?
was just about to buy an aquascaping kit, so will hold fire if this is coming soon! the calendar sounds great too. thanks guys 😀
well, the scaping tools will be posted next week so once we've received them and we know they are ok then maybe we'll be in a position to start selling them. 😉
BigDanne said:
well, the scaping tools will be posted next week so once we've received them and we know they are ok then maybe we'll be in a position to start selling them. 😉

Sounds good....[/youtube]
This seems to be the only thread about the tool kits, I saw them on the merchandise section of the site but there's no price or info about how to get my grubby little mitts on one 🙁

Are they available or have you sold out already 😉
Welcome to Ukaps Egmel. Someone from admin will answer this tonight but I think they are still trying to source them at a viable price.

Hiya, thanks for your interest. The tools are sourced and samples have been receive and approved. Ive ordered the sets and they are ready, I just need to pay for them. After the doo at the weekend we should have raised enough funds to pay for them! Way hey! No doubt they will be here before the end of the month.
there will be plenty of publicity once they are received.
Hi All, i have a set of UKAPS tools, would you like me to bring them at the weekend to the TGM meet so members can have a look ,regards john.
Dan Crawford said:
cheers John. I'm bringing a set and so is Graeme and they are up for sale too!
I saw the tool kit on the main webpage, where can I get them from and how much are they? I was thinking of buying one. thanks
They are £36 + £3 p&p
Once we receive them I'll make it public and then PM me if your interested and i'll give you our paypal details.
Cheers guys