Hi guys, the merchandising is my area.
What we have discussed in the past has been t-shirts, bumper and window stickers, bespoke tank backgrounds (as on the back of our show tanks) and the aquascaping tool kits.
The t-shirts i have printed and ready for shipping since i had done a load for the festival but we were too busy to get them out abd try and sell them.
I have window stickers alread printed too, some of us already have them plastered all over our cars.
i'd love to know where the wood is from - i did ask, but all the information i got over the weekend some of it was pushed out again lol (i should write things down!)
The wood we had used is from a company called unipac but they are trade so i doubt they would appreciate public callers. I am meeting with the boss in a couple of weeks to scape his tank along with George and i'm planning to come to some "arrangment" with regards to the wood. Aquaessential.co.uk sell some lovely wood which i have in my tank and would really reccomend.
The rocks George sorted out and they all came from Aquaessetials.co.uk too.
The plants George also sorted out and they came from plants alive.
Things like the stand are very expensive but luckily i'm in a situation to sort all that out, fuel and accomadation we were happy to pay.
If we were to recieve monies it allows us to explore more hightech things like the aquascaping tools and various other things that we have in the pipeline
T-shirts I would like to charge about £7.50 + P&P and it would include a window sticker just for the giggle.
Window and normal stickers would be about £3.00
Aquascaping tool kits are still in the early stages and we need to get it right from the off so it may be a while before they are out but you can expect to pay around £25
UKaps is not trying to be a profit making business but like it has already been pointed out, doing what we do can be quite costly any monies will help UKaps to further itself.
Any thoughts would be appreciated and if you want to order anything please PM me.