Re: Stupid is as stupid does ( blasted filters)
Thinking now that the FX5 was playing up for a couple of days before I noticed it as I have BBA on some of the plants but thankfully seems to be dying off most of the plants but not on the Anubias. There are two Anubias plants at the centre back of the tank, one Coffeefolia that had broke the main plant( it measured about eight inches but now is closer to twelve) and the other Anubias I can't remember the species

,think it's afzelii/congensis but I'm probably miles out roughly fourteen to sixteen inches long, very slow growing compared to the other Anubias species with longer slimmer leaves. Both these plants are covered in BBA but the other Anubias' are fine (probably as they are at the edge of the tank, well away from the light)
I have taken both plants out of the tank and put them in tank with a strong solution of Easycarbo but wondering is this the best solution? Also think the tank looks better without the Coffeefolia so will give this to another fish keeper but really want to hold on to the 'afzellii'. Wondering would it be better to move the light unit over one half of the tank and moving the all the Anubias to the other side. The Morpho tetras seem to love the Anubias to hide in so want to keep the plants for them. At the moment I have no algae eaters in the tank so hopefully soon will remedy this but some Angels took over cleaning duties (maybe, maybe they want to breed
😛 ) It's embarrassing the state of the Madagascar leaves but shows the Angels at 'cleaning duty'

This was just after the FX5 went and they cleaned the leaf back free of algae nearly completely.Click on the picture to get the video running.The next video is with the plants removed which I think looks more interesting but will have re arrange the wood as it looks odd.

Thanks for looking and even more so if you have advice about the Anubias