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Strange new feathery tendrils on plants


New Member
23 Oct 2024
Hi there, I am looking after my son's 100L tank whilst he is at uni. I have noticed over the past few days that his plants (I tink they may be java fern but don't know for sure) have started sprouting long feathery filaments from the top of the leaves. Is this normal? I have watched a few YT videos saying new plants can grow from leaves but these filaments don't look like new plants. I have attached a couple of photos. Details of tank (as far as I know) follow;

100L tank
Fish - one Oranda, nothing else.
water change each week about 20%
I add liquid carbon and plant food each week. I also use the Evolution Aqua Pure Aquarium and Waste Remover balls
Two filters, a HOB-500 from AllPondSolutions and an external filter, plus an air stone.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPS

Could be, but I think they may be filamentous diatoms (Synedra (Fragilaria) sp.).

If @kw1964 runs them <"between their fingers">, you should be able to tell, <"very slightly gritty = diatoms">.

cheers Darrel
Many thanks Darrel - I will take a look this evening. If it IS diatoms, what is the recommended way to get rid? I have done nothing different to the tank / cleaning regime etc. for months no not sure why they should appear now.