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Stocking guidelines

Hi all,
I just go on the maxim does the tank look busy? If it does your fish are too large, or you have too many of them, or you don't have enough plants. Having your tank "under-stocked" makes it more likely that you will get fry surviving, less likely you will have territorial issues and more resilient in terms of a disaster like chloramine in your water, or a dead fish, or filter failure etc.

For a 60cm tank I have just a pair of dwarf cichlids, some dithers and a lot of plants and structure. It sounds like it won't be very exciting and visitors often ask where are the fish? But you only need to wait for a few seconds and the fish will appear behaving in a non-stressed manner.

cheers Darrel

I have too many S osphromenoides in one tank - I special ordered and it was a bag lot - and the tank can still look empty 😵

30 juveniles in a 60cm x 45 x 55 planted tank