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Stig of the Sump

WP_20171204_20_55_40_Pro.jpg WP_20171204_20_53_50_Pro.jpg After starting this tank with the intention of being quite purist low tech, I'm now dosing liquid carbon, complete ferts and potassium nitrate. The latter was in an attempt to combat cyano and it seems to be working. The plants are definitely happier with my medium tech approach.

Latest development is that the Rannunculus Inundatus that is growing emersed appears to be about to flower. Exciting times.
Hi all,
Any ideas why it is flowering now?
It is just because it has grown long enough (or build up enough emersed biomass) in the air. There is no advantage in the plant flowering under-water, so evolution will have favoured plants that become emersed for a period before they flower.

cheers Darrel
Rannunculus Inundatus

I had the R. Aquatilis in the pond. Because it's indigenous i guess you don't realy find it as aquariumplant but in pond shops as pond plant.
But it flowers like mad from early to late summer. And i bit more striking than the tropical version, slightly bigger white flower with a yellow heart. 🙂
For the past nearly five months the tank has been running with a single TMC aquabeam, of unknown variety, with only four functioning LEDs. I thought things were going ok, some things were thriving. But I could see clearly that any plants down low were suffering.

Today in the LFS they were selling aquaone plant glo 90cm LEDs for £50 instead of £100 so I went with an impulse purchase.

The strip has 156 LEDs in two strips. You can have either all of them on or half of them.

The difference is stark, and has immediately revealed how tatty things had been getting...

New, 50%:
New 100%:
I now await an algae disaster.
Looks like nice spectrum on the PlantGro. Maybe dim it a little?
Now been running with the new light for almost a month and starting to see positive impact. Thankfully no sign of any algae apart from a bit of cyano that I can never get rid of.

The tank is now also running with gas. Its set at a very low dose, about 1.5bps which is the same as what is was an my 15ltr nano... The co2 line goes straight into the return pump inlet, no atomiser. But in combination with 5ml of LC a day it seems to be beneficial. No idea what ppm I'm achieving but don't think it matters if fish and plants are doing well. Dosing TNC complete at about 3ml a day.

There are a good few Aponogeton seedlings growing in the empty left had side so We are heading towards full jungle I think.
