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Journal Starting point Wabi-Kusa

Lovely Roy...just out of curiosity exactly how many have you got on the go now?
Hi Roy
Very nice!
What camera and set-up are you using to take pictures?
What's the black back ground looks like foam!

Hi Hoggie, Thank You :thumbup:

I use a Olympus E450, Settings,I use the Macro setting, WB set to LED 3, Exposure compensation 1.7 --2.00

Lighting is 1--2 or 3 LED 30w 6500k garden flood lights One above and one each side of the subject matter The light above I made a light box for out of cardboard to direct the light better.

Backing was black card. Now I use black felt its easy to store just roll it up

One photo . Don't laugh its all a bit Heath Robinson but it works 😀

