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Starting a Betta tank

DEL 707

18 Jul 2009
I've recently purchased a 56l tank with the plan of housing a betta. I would also like to plant it up.

At the moment, all I have is the tank with it's basic lighting.



I would like to upgrade the lighting a little.
I was thinking of buying the 45cm version of these lights.

I know there are better plant lights out there, but these look like I would be able to stick them under the hood easy enough, I really don't want an open top tank.
Do you think they would be a worthwhile upgrade?

On the subject of substrate, I've been advised to get sand for the betta, but I've read that sand isn't that great for plants, is this true?
Can anyone recommend me a fine, black substrate?

I'm sure I'll have tons of plant questions later, reading databases and shops at the moment. Trying to find some nice plants that are o.k with low light, low flow and no CO2.
On the subject of substrate, I've been advised to get sand for the betta, but I've read that sand isn't that great for plants, is this true?
We have loads of threads discussing substrate, this one is worth a read if you want to dig deeper.

If you don't then the synopsis from me is this.

Aquasoils have there pros and cons.
Plants can grow perfectly fine in Sand and Gravel.
I know there are better plant lights out there, but these look like I would be able to stick them under the hood easy enough

Very little info about them, but yes they will grow plants perfectly well.
Hi all,
Plants can grow perfectly fine in Sand and Gravel.
but I've read that sand isn't that great for plants, is this true?
What @John q says, <"sand is fine for plants">, they <"might grow more quickly"> in aquasoil, but that isn't necessarily an advantage.
When I set up a new tank I just mix a small amount (5 - 10% by volume) of the PYO soil, with a similar proportion of Beech (Fagus sylvatica) leaf mold and ~90% silica sand.
Have a look at <"Planted Betta Tank Considerations">. I'm a <"floating plant fanatic">, but they really are an essential for a tank housing a Betta.
Trying to find some nice plants that are o.k with low light, low flow and no CO2.
<"Cryptocoryne spp.">, <"ferns, mosses"> and Aroids are usually good in this situation. The <"Tropica Easy"> plant range should give you some options <"Best crypt for very low light?">.
I've Cryptocoryne beckettii 'Petchii' growing in the gloom at the bottom of my tank;

cheers Darrel
Thanks for all the replies.
Taking things very slow at the moment, was out today trying to get some rocks/wood and just having a browse.

Back on the subject of substrate, would Pettex Roman gravel, black sand be a good choice. Reviews seem to say it's bigger and courser then most sand.

Pettex Roman Gravel Black Sand 8 kg

It does seem to be out of stock or have a long delivery time in most places.

Or would something like this do the job.

There's a Maidenhead Aquatics near, so they might have it in stock, or I can order it.

I'm worry I'm over thinking this too much, but it's not like substrate is easy to replace once the tanks up and running.
I don't want to put in anything which is going to be detrimental to the betta or the plants.
Thanks for all the replies.
Taking things very slow at the moment, was out today trying to get some rocks/wood and just having a browse.

Back on the subject of substrate, would Pettex Roman gravel, black sand be a good choice. Reviews seem to say it's bigger and courser then most sand.

Pettex Roman Gravel Black Sand 8 kg

It does seem to be out of stock or have a long delivery time in most places.

Or would something like this do the job.

There's a Maidenhead Aquatics near, so they might have it in stock, or I can order it.

I'm worry I'm over thinking this too much, but it's not like substrate is easy to replace once the tanks up and running.
I don't want to put in anything which is going to be detrimental to the betta or the plants.
Reach out to Horizon Aquatics (our sponsor) one of the girls working there is really into her Bettas.
Still slowly buying stuff for the tank and looking at plants, but I'm wondering how to tackle my water.

I know my water is very hard, when I had my shrimp tank, I bought RO water and used a shrimp product to remineralize it.
I'm not sure whether to use a similar product for the new tank, or cut it 50/50 with tap water.

I tested my water the other night an API kit and both the GH and KH were off the scale.
They only go up to 12 drops, which means 12ºdKH, or 214 ppm. Where as my water took 18 drops to change the GH test colour, I think the KH test, took 16/17.
These are the water test results, my water company shows for my area.


I know that plants like hard water, but I'm concerned about my future betta.

By the way, how does this look? Does it look too busy?

What would you say an ideal substrate depth is?
I'm using inert sand and there's I've read that it should be anyway from 2-3", up to 10cm!
My tanks only about 32cm tall.
I'm still looking into the plants, I'm looking at the stuff that Tropica list as "easy".

I'm not set on the current hardscape, so things can change.

On the area infront of hardscape, I was thinking of keeping it empty.
While I would like a nice carpet plant, with basic lights, low flow and no CO2, I could see me struggling there.

At the left forground, I was thinking on 'Staurogyne Repens', something "bushy".

Behind that I was thinking of trying something red, like 'Ludwigia repens "Rubin"', but again, with being so low tech I worry that it won't work, so an alternative I was looking at was
'Ludwigia palustris "Green"'.

As for the background, I'm pretty undecided.
The 3 plants I had in mind were 'Echinodorus grisebachii "Bleherae"', 'Hygrophila corymbosa "Stricta"' and 'Hygrophila corymbosa "Siamensis 53B"'. Trying to find something with big leaves for the Betta to rest on, if it wishes.

Lastly, I would like something on the wood, I have my eye on the smaller Anubias plants, 'Anubias barteri "Mini Coin"' and 'Anubias barteri "Petite"'.
I'm also open to the idea of moses, but can't say I've seen 1 I like the look of.

I appreciate any feedback on those plants I mentioned, or any alternatives that might suit my setup better.

Because my water is so hard, I've talked to my LFS and I'm going to do a 50/50 cut with RO, for the Betta's sake. My PH is 7.8.