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Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

Added a spray bar for better flow. Repositioned diffuser for better distribution.

Also changed up the fertilizer routine.
I'm now dosing Tropica Specialised Nutrition and EasyLife Potassium.

I rehomed the pearl gourami as they really didn't like the current in the tank. Added some more shrimp and a couple of Siamese Algae Eaters.PXL_20240224_180535580.jpg

Current stocking:
20 x Amano Shrimp
16 x Cardinals
2 x Siamese Algae Eaters
1 x Striped Bulldog Pleco

Tank update.
I can't tell you how many times I have added a spray bar, removed it, added it again, etc. I am in a constant state of trying to find what works better!

My problem is that I have small fish, so any flow (spray bar or nozzle) creates issues for the fish, especially with my latest additions of Neon Green Rasboras. They are absolutely tiny - but have bags of personality and confidence! (They are just not intimidated by the Platy's at all!).
I can't tell you how many times I have added a spray bar, removed it, added it again, etc. I am in a constant state of trying to find what works better!

My problem is that I have small fish, so any flow (spray bar or nozzle) creates issues for the fish, especially with my latest additions of Neon Green Rasboras. They are absolutely tiny - but have bags of personality and confidence! (They are just not intimidated by the Platy's at all!).
I had to turn the flow down on the filter a wee bit, the gourami absolutely hated it even with the flow turned down but all my other fish seem to be thriving.

The Cardinals and Cory's are very active, they aren't restricting their movements but I have researched a spray bar on forums and it seems to be a pain point for most.

I also don't have a centrepiece fish anymore and all of the plant safe fish that get slightly larger don't like flow so I've had to sacrifice in that regard.

Neon green Rasboras are beauties 😀

I have been looking through older posts in regard to pH and iron deficiency.

My ph is 7.8 and it drops to 7.2 with my current CO2 input.

You mentioned Chempak Sequestered Iron in a post. This is available to me locally but I'm unable to find directions of use for an aquarium.

Do you know of where I can research that?

Many thanks 🙂
Hi all,
This is available to me locally but I'm unable to find directions of use for an aquarium
<"Could it be the substrate? Tank in terminal decline..."> from there to the end of the thread.

All you need is the percentage of iron (Fe) in the Chempak (2%), the volume of the tank and the amount of iron you want to add (in mg / L (ppm)).

You can still use the <"Nutrient Dosing Calculator"> by setting it to FeEDDHA (6% iron) (which is listed on the calculator) and dividing the weight of FeEDDHA you need to add by 3 (6 / 2).

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,

<"Could it be the substrate? Tank in terminal decline..."> from there to the end of the thread.

All you need is the percentage of iron (Fe) in the Chempak (2%), the volume of the tank and the amount of iron you want to add (in mg / L (ppm)).

You can still use the <"Nutrient Dosing Calculator"> by setting it to FeEDDHA (6% iron) (which is listed on the calculator) and dividing the weight of FeEDDHA you need to add by 3 (6 / 2).

cheers Darrel
Much appreciated Darrel!!

You have helped my transition into this journey tremendously.

I tried to purchase Solufeed but sadly they don't ship to Ireland so I'm looking at miracle gro which I have also seen you mention.

I plan on taking a trip to my local garden centre and maybe they have a water soluble product that contains zero Urea.
Hi all,
I tried to purchase Solufeed but sadly they don't ship to Ireland so I'm looking at miracle gro which I have also seen you mention
<"Miracle Gro"> is fine. You need to be a little bit more conservative with the dosing, just because of the <"3.5% ammoniacal nitrogen">.

Yara <"Yara Ireland - Find the best fertilisers for your farm"> might sell something suitable? or from the Netherlands?
I plan on taking a trip to my local garden centre and maybe they have a water soluble product that contains zero Urea.
Urea (CO(NH2)2) isn't really the problem, it will be converted to TAN ammonia, but only relatively slowly via plants and microbes with <"the urease enzyme">.

The safest option is an entirely nitrate (NO3-) based fertiliser (like potassium nitrate (KNO3)), but horticulturally usually they would use ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), or urea, because you get <"more bang for your buck">.

cheers Darrel
Oi! You two! Get a room! 😃
Not so much a growth update but picked up a red tiger lotus and moved the crypt toward the mid of the tank. I'm going to keep trimming it to try and make a big central display.

I'll also add that I have some BBA growing, it's actually been growing for a few weeks now and I haven't removed it as it's not impacting my plants.

If it took over a large portion of the wood I'd actually be quite happy, I like BBA, but not on my plants lol.

Tank update.

I'm now running the lights at 80% for 7.5 hour photo period as I felt there was a little too much dust algae developing, I was cleaning the glass in-between water changes.

So far this seems to be effective, I'll keep an eye on plant growth over the next 2 weeks.

I've been able to propagate the pogostemon for more foreground coverage.

Most up to date photo taken today 18/03/24

The red tiger lotus is coming along nicely.

I've completed a rescape on the left side of the tank. I didn't like how neat and tidy it looked so I removed the Limnophila sessiliflora.

I trimmed the Hygrophila Polysperma Sunset on the right, moved it over to the left and incorporated some Hygrophila Corymbosa on both sides.

Now I just need to let it all grow (again)


Good Evening, MaterialCrab,
Firstly, congrats on your tank! It looks nice!
I have the same model of tank - I set it up in the beginning of 2023. I have now reached a point that I want to upgrade my lights. I have using the out-of-the-box one till now.
I can see you are using the Hygger. Hw has your experience with this one been so far? I have noticed that you don't have the lid on? Is there a way to use this light with the lid still on?
Many thanks in advance!
Good Evening, MaterialCrab,
Firstly, congrats on your tank! It looks nice!
I have the same model of tank - I set it up in the beginning of 2023. I have now reached a point that I want to upgrade my lights. I have using the out-of-the-box one till now.
I can see you are using the Hygger. Hw has your experience with this one been so far? I have noticed that you don't have the lid on? Is there a way to use this light with the lid still on?
Many thanks in advance!
Hi Ivan,

My experience so far has been pretty good, I have only easy and medium plants in my tank and the lights are working perfectly with them.

As a matter of fact I have the intensity lowered to 80% and this seems to be the sweet spot for good growth and less green dust algae on my glass.

Unfortunately I don't see how you could use these lights with the stock lid, but you could absolutely create a diy lid which I have done myself using a sheet of polycarbonate which I cut to size. I then cut two further sections for feeding.
So I found an EI kit from a company called Planted Box and they are based in Belgium.

The price was €30 which is a bargain considering this kit is going to last me a long long time.

Unfortunately they do not deliver to the UK but it you are in the EU and your country is not listed in the delivery options, you can send Gilles an email and he will get back to you with cost of delivery.

Overall I'm very happy with the service.

Water change done tonight and first dose starting tomorrow ☺️

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