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Spezial N - Nitrogen Fertilizer

Hi all,
I think Tom may well be right about the added magnesium, and I'm sure Fred is correct about his softener
This would make sense as to why my last tank went so badly using the household water softener (it stripping Mg and Ca, replacing it with Na) and my HC really really struggled.
I'm still not discounting a synergistic effect in Tobi's "Spezial N", but I'm not sure how you could measure it without a really large replicated experimental trial. There are such a lot of variables that may effect growth, even in tanks that are "identical" in all parameters other than the nutrient source.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
I've got a simple Excel spread-sheet, with the periodic table and a worked example - "calcium chloride hexahydrate". It has some simple formulae to allow you work work out ppm of an element supplied for a weight of compound and dilution, and the reverse calculation starting with the ppm and dilution you want and giving you the weight of compound you require.

PM me your email address if you want a copy. I've got a few other ones written in Java etc. but I haven't got access to a server to put them onto, other than our VLE (which linked into our student data-base and not accessible).

cheers Darrel
dw1305 said:
I've got a simple Excel spread-sheet, with the periodic table and a worked example - "calcium chloride hexahydrate". It has some simple formulae to allow you work work out ppm of an element supplied for a weight of compound and dilution, and the reverse calculation starting with the ppm and dilution you want and giving you the weight of compound you require.

PM me your email address if you want a copy.
That's brilliant. Thanks, Darrell.
I've been trying these ferts for the last week, and I must admit they certainly have improved the colouration of my plants, in particular my blyxa, which was previously a very light green nad looked washed out, has now gone a very vivid green. I'm surprised to see such dramatic changes in such a short period.

I was looking some advise however... 😀
I'm dosing 1ml per 10litres of tank water of this fert, and on the same day, dosing trace (made from 10g trace+ and 250ml water) at 1ml per 20L tank water.
Should I only be dosing the trace every other day? And will it make any odds if I dose both mixes at the same time?
So far I have been dosing both each day, however not sure if this is perhaps excessive micros, and in fact, if that would have any impact anyhow.

Couldn't these vivid green colours just be due to the increase in the magnesium? After all, it is magnesium that gives chorophyll it's green colouration (like iron gives in red blood cells their colour).
Sorry if I'm pointing out the obvious.
Fred Dulley said:
Couldn't these vivid green colours just be due to the increase in the magnesium? After all, it is magnesium that gives chorophyll it's green colouration (like iron gives in red blood cells their colour).
Sorry if I'm pointing out the obvious.

Interesting point Fred I dont know much about plant biology so not so obvious to me. Ive just checked my water report and the hardness seems to be all Ca with no Mg. I'm currently dosing standard ei and using easy carbo Im getting good growth but everything looks a little washed out. Would swapping half my kno3 dose for the magnesium nitrate work without leaving any deficincies?


When I dosed EI a few years ago, I also dosed Epsom salts (MgSO4) to cover any potential lack of Mg (even though my water is hard).

I still maintain these ferts are the best I've used. I'm using them in all three of my planted tanks now - two have soil-based substrates, one inert. I'm seeing mentalist levels of pearling for the first time in years too. Only thing I've changed is the ferts.

Of course, I cannot prove that these ferts are any better than EI + GH booster etc. Just anecdotal observation.

Maybe I will try EI + Mg again, to see if this nice growth is maintained.
I've just received some of these ferts to try. I looks like the instructions which are german say that the nitrogen needs to be dosed at 1 ml per 50 l daily. The micros are 1 ml per 20 l every week.

Am I translating this correctly? It seems you guys are dosing much higher levels.

Would 5 mls. Nitrogen and 2mls micros be ok for a 200 l with co2 and good lighting be ok?

What about phosphate? Should I continue to dose that at normal ei levels?
I'm adding 10ml per day each of N and Mikro in my 240 litre. 2 x 54w HO T5 (PAR 30-50 at substrate), good CO2. 50% water change per week.

In my 60 litre I'm adding 6ml of each. High lighting (PAR 70-100 at substrate), good CO2, 2x 50% water change per week.

In my 25 litre I'm adding 2ml of each per day. Low lighting (PAR 10-25 at substrate), good CO2, 50% water change per week.

I'm not adding P, but my tap water is off the scale (>5ppm), so with each 50% water change there's enough for me.

I've only been using these ferts of just over a month, so may need to refine the dosing, but currently I'm seeing no issues. On the contrary - plant growth is wonderful in all three tanks.
I see George is adding 6ml daily to 60 liters with an inert substrate.

So for ei levels in a 200 l would I need 120 ml macros divided over a week with a 50 % water change once weekly to achieve 30 ppm N?

the dosage instructions are very conservative/lean because somebody with no clue at all could buy those ferts.

When you do regular water changes etc. you can dose alot more.

I'm dosing around 3-5 ml per 50 l => 3-5 ppm NO3.

Best regards

that's what I'm dosing daily. And of course I dose PO4 too. Around 0,3 ppm daily, a little bit extra K+ at some tanks and enough micronutrients.

Best regards