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Sparkling Gouramis - They spawned!

Congrats Steve, 2nd time they have spawned for you after having them for only a short time.

For feeding, you can also use hard boiled Egg yolk. Tiny bit ( 1/2 Little Finger Nail) mixed (tank water) into a paste then added to the water. It is what i use when Breeding Fighters and not had any probs with it. Powdered egg yolk from the supermarket works the same.
Thanks for the info Pard 🙂

It was interesting last night. I watching the dad zipping around the tank and thought he might be stressed or excited about something, but after I watched him for a while I realised that he was actually zipping around inspecting every bit of floating debris/detritus, or checking the edges of leaves and hardscape. Any of the fry that had strayed out of the nest and been washed out into the tank he would peck off whatever they'd latched onto and return them to the nest.

I even got in on the action, using a wooden skewer (about the most useful tool in my hardscaping kit!) to gently move the odd fry that he'd missed. I would poke them very gently and they'd latch onto the end of the scewer, and I would then move the skewer close to the male who would then peck them off the end and move them back to the nest. 8)
Wooden Spoons are great as they have been worn down by usage. They are soft edged and great for scaping and breeding. I also like to use the Soft Plastic Ladles.
Hi all,
Try squeezing out a filter sponge, and then pipetting the gunge to the fry, I usually squeeze out the sponge into a small beaker, and them 1/2 fill it with tank water. Give the water in the beaker a good swirl, and then suck the water out of the central vortex with a transfer pipette (little plastic eye dropper - TA aquaculture sell them) and pipette it a drop at the time towards the fry. You get a lot of rotifers this way, and they should provide some food for the fry.

Another possibility is if you used the "mosquito bucket" from earlier in the thread, you should now find egg rafts (thin black velvety smudges - picture below) floating on the top of the water,
you can transfer these to the tank, and as the fry get bigger they will eat the newly hatched mosquito larvae.

cheers Darrel
Thanks for the tips Darrel 🙂 Hopefully some mozzie eggs on their way from Gill. I've started with the egg yolk idea tonight. I'm trying to be careful not to over do it though.

I had a shock when I got home tonight. I couldn't see any fry, and the bubble nest was gone :jawdrop I saw the male swimming about as he has been doing for the last few days, so I looked around to try and see the fry. I assumed they'd somehow dispersed and been scattered around the tank. I was hoping this was the case, and not my other thought which was that the dad had eaten them.

After 5 minutes of looking at all the roots of the various floating plants I spotted a single fry so I gave up and carried on with my evening :| I went back and had another look a few hours later and was surprised to see all the fry crowded under a bolbitis leaf 😱 The dad had re-built the bubble nest under the filter and was starting to transfer the fry back to it! 8)
Congrats Steve,
What are your tank stats, hardness, ph etc?
What sort of behavior do they show when they are starting to pair up?

