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Songs from the Man Cave!

Hi all,
A re-post of this seems appropriate this morning - <"Songs from the Man Cave!">.

I woke up and turned the radio on at 02:00 this morning and, probably needless to say, failed <"to go back to sleep">, so at least I had waking nightmares, not sleeping ones.

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,
Enjoyed that.
Today is my water change day. And this is the song to go with it:
So little time, so many to choose from.
there are so many aquaristic songs out there, that I can't post them all here.
James Carr "Pouring Water on a Drowning Man"

You push me when I'm falling and you kick me when I'm down
I guess I missed my calling 'cause I should have been a clown
How much more, how much more could I stand
When you're pouring water on a drowning man, I like that

Another <"suitable one for mornings">, although it might really <"be a shower song"> ...........

and now a hardscaping one:

cheers Darrel
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RIP Garth Hudson, formerly of The Band. He was the last surviving member and now joins Richard Manuel, Rick Danko, Levon Helm in the afterlife. Not sure if any of them will have forgiven the other guy, but here are some clips from better times:

A couple of rare smiles:

And the full song:

Judging from other posts in here, not sure this will be anyone's cup of tea, but here's a mix I put together recently. I've been teaching myself to dj over the last year and this is a mix of sci-fi techno/electronica:
Listen to Two Thirty One Tannhauser Flyby by 7DJ on #SoundCloud