i think your right. 48hrs into my peat in a bucket test.
12ltr of tap water
starting params
48hrs in
ph 6.8
so they have come down but not by allot, not enough to really make any difference to anything.
I also found these teabags, might give them a try.
the beaten up male checkerboard is still alive and starting to free swim a little, still very weak though so will keep him in the breeding container. Once he is back to health i may try and catch the agressive male, isolate him and put the other male in the tank, see what the female makes of him
12ltr of tap water
starting params
48hrs in
ph 6.8
so they have come down but not by allot, not enough to really make any difference to anything.
I also found these teabags, might give them a try.
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the beaten up male checkerboard is still alive and starting to free swim a little, still very weak though so will keep him in the breeding container. Once he is back to health i may try and catch the agressive male, isolate him and put the other male in the tank, see what the female makes of him