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I think @Sarpijk is right, you may as well use 1:1 mix of moss peat and Westlands aquatic compost.Is it OK to cap with Tropica Soil? I can't find a gravel / sand I'm happy with and I like the look of the tropica stuff? This would be for a cap over 1" of aquatic compost and moss peat mix.
Try this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gardman-Gr...ding+gardmans&qid=1565549090&s=gateway&sr=8-1. It's what I use.I have the same question - could anyone assist by giving a link to a soil retainer that would be fish safe? I'm concerned that it may leak chemicals etc. over time...
Looks like the same product as the above...Also is this a suitable <<soil retainer>>? What I'm not sure about is "Sturdy extruded mesh made from PP and treated with UV additives for longer life.".