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So who has the best aquascape right now on UKAPS, and lives in the UK...?

Far from the best, but, here's both of mine as they stand this evening. Excuse the mess, it's maintenance Sunday tomorrow ...

46L Fluval Edge (Cropped and colours fiddled slightly)

60L Superfish Home Aqua (Cropped)

I might update these after maintenance tomorrow. .

Everyone's just showing off now and giving me an inferiority complex.

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Just keep telling yourself it's all in the Camera Art 🙄

(that's what I do 😀)
Yeah well said @alto who cares how your tank looks as long as the fish are happy and what do fish know about Aquascaping.

Going in to the denial phase now I've got envy out of the way. Bitterness and anger next

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Some lovely aquascapes on here, so here is my progress after 5 days, a mix of seeded and planted from a semi dry start. This is my first attempt at a real scape although I have worked in aquatics many yeas ago, however the technology wasn't to the level it is today. I'm more of a fish keeper and have little knowledge of aquarium plants so trying to raise my knowledge base as I go.

There maybe errors here, however that's how we learn.
Couldn't take a photo from outside of the aquarium due to the condensation.

IMG_4535.jpg IMG_4536.jpg IMG_4537.jpg IMG_4538.jpg
Hi mate, I get t them from Shirley aquatics, however there was Asian text on the packet, I’ve sowed 2 types of seed, but also planted some well known plants as back up.

Will wait to see what happens, and I’ll update on here.