Failure #2
After another 24hrs, even more of the shop bought Daphnia were dead. So ...
Start #2.5
Again I was passing the LFS so decided to pick up another bag. I'm disapointed to say that my ambition for zero cost has gone out of the window as I have now speant a stomach churing £2.50. Whislt my children may have to go hungry for a few days as a result, I am looking at this as a long term investement. 😳
The LFS had taken delivery several days previously, so the live:dead ratio in the bag was nowhere nearer 1:1 than 1:0, but there were a decent number still alive and advice seems to be start with a small number ... and to go back when they have a fresh supply would mean a special trip and a resultant contribution to climate change.
I syphoned out as many dead Daphnia from the second demijohn as possible (the one without grass) and only added live ones from the new bag. (I may add some organic matter later.)
For convenience and better temperature (early evening, before the cenrtal heating goes on - about 18°C) I'm going to run this all in the house again, which will mean no air pump, just increased surface area.
I'm also going to be focussing on food for a few days:
1) A new bottle of green water has been seeded, this time with brocolli stem and frozen peas, and 50% of the water from the previous bottle.
2) I've mixed up some yeast solution from 5g of quick yeast, a pinch of sugar (to activate it) and about 100ml of water from the aquarium. Only about 5ml has gone into the demijohn so far, along with about 100ml of green water. The result is slightly cloudy and I'll have a look at the water clarity in the morning to judge how soon to feed again.
After another 24hrs, even more of the shop bought Daphnia were dead. So ...
Start #2.5
Again I was passing the LFS so decided to pick up another bag. I'm disapointed to say that my ambition for zero cost has gone out of the window as I have now speant a stomach churing £2.50. Whislt my children may have to go hungry for a few days as a result, I am looking at this as a long term investement. 😳
The LFS had taken delivery several days previously, so the live:dead ratio in the bag was nowhere nearer 1:1 than 1:0, but there were a decent number still alive and advice seems to be start with a small number ... and to go back when they have a fresh supply would mean a special trip and a resultant contribution to climate change.
I syphoned out as many dead Daphnia from the second demijohn as possible (the one without grass) and only added live ones from the new bag. (I may add some organic matter later.)
For convenience and better temperature (early evening, before the cenrtal heating goes on - about 18°C) I'm going to run this all in the house again, which will mean no air pump, just increased surface area.
I'm also going to be focussing on food for a few days:
1) A new bottle of green water has been seeded, this time with brocolli stem and frozen peas, and 50% of the water from the previous bottle.
2) I've mixed up some yeast solution from 5g of quick yeast, a pinch of sugar (to activate it) and about 100ml of water from the aquarium. Only about 5ml has gone into the demijohn so far, along with about 100ml of green water. The result is slightly cloudy and I'll have a look at the water clarity in the morning to judge how soon to feed again.