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Shrimp Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

Stunning tank mate, beautiful, love the moss 😀 😀

As regards to the moss wall, how did you attach the moss to it? I have a ton of moss I want to do something with in a tank, my SAE always eat it in the big tank and my Laetacara always dislodge it in their tank 🙁 really frustrating, so I may try something like this for my cherries and crystals as they need a new hoem to carry on breeding

Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

Thanks guys 🙂

Got some good and bad news about this tank!

The good news is that the Red Cherries have bred and now I have lots of little shrimplets swiming about. Some of them so tiny they are hard to spot.

The bad news is that my CRS are not doing so well, hardly see them in the tank and yesterday found one of the females that was carrying eggs dead, could be the high temperatures we are experiencing, the other day tank was running just over 30ºC
Two more were carrying eggs so just have to wait and see if anything come out of those, so far not keeping my hopes up.

Will try and get some photos of the tank at the weekend.
Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

More bad news, got home today and two more CRS dead, another one carrying eggs 🙁 only have 3 left now and I can't find them in the tank 🙁
The red cherries are ok though no deaths and shrimplets are doing fine!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

Sorry for your losses mate 🙁 I too have had a real problem with my crystals, I have lost 5 large adults this last week, my temp hasn't got about 26c for them, but good news mine have had some babies and I have mini ones zooming around the tank 😀

Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

JAmesM said:
What about changing some water everyday to drop the temp LD?
Or do you have any spare 12v pc fans you could hook up?
Been doing that, but the temp shoots right up the next day, managed to get a fan today so going to hook that up and see if it makes a difference, also going to keep the tank hood suspended for heat to escape and only have one bulb on for the time being.
Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

JAmesM said:
Good stuff, hope it work out for you mate 🙂
Just think its a little too late for the CRS, only have 3 left now, think one of them still has eggs but I haven't seen any of them around the tank 🙁
Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

Well just had another look in the tank and the last female with eggs is dead too!!! So no hope now.... 🙁
Anybody care to donate some CRS?? 🙄 🙄
Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

Oh crap 🙁

If it were the cherries I wouldn't worry - I lost 8 out of 10 back in March - I now have 60+. Crystals aren't something I'm going to introduce until much later. Fussy buggers 🙁

Have a look on http://www.shrimpnow.com/forums/ - some people there have raised the eggs artificially after parents suddenly die...
Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

JAmesM said:
Have a look on http://www.shrimpnow.com/forums/ - some people there have raised the eggs artificially after parents suddenly die...
Too late, they been flushed!!! Going to wait until the heat wave is over then will get some more, might try Sulawesi instead!
Re: Shrimp Only Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

aaronnorth said:
How long has the tank been set up when you added the CRS
Couple of months, they were doing fine and even got the eggs while in the tank, until the heat wave!
Temp this morning with the fan was down to 23ºC, bit late to save the females though! 🙁
Just a quick update, the tank is doing great and the red cherries are breeding just fine 🙂 this morning I counted at least 32 shrimplets that I could see. I haven't given up on the CRS, I should have a delivery on Tuesday of 15 to try again, I have kept fans on the tank now to keep the temps at around 23/24ºC.

Here some photos of my Cherries:


The shrimplets around a pellet:

One of the tiniest shrimplets in the tank on the flame moss:

Another female carrying eggs 🙂 on the weeping moss:

Thats all for now, thanks for looking 🙂
Themuleous said:
I see you've got proper millions of cherries as well, hey? Mine have exploded in numbers since I got them, I'm half wondering how I'll stop them taking over! :lol:
There is a "Sale" section on this forum 😉
Just a quick update guys, my delivery arrived today, been way to busy today, just managed to get some shots of them a few minutes ago, here are my new babies 🙂

Full tank shot to start with, this is how the tank looks now:

My new CRS 🙂




To finish off another very tiny Red Cherry shrimplet:

Thanks for looking 🙂