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Show Your Pets

This is Yoda, picture is almost 2 yrs old. he was 6 weeks in this pic:


And with our other dog Jackie, about 13 yrs old i think.



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The one at the back is danny now 15 the little-un at the front is Jamie now 14 and the collie is nell age unknown they are all rescue adoptees over the years

and this is our latest edition Rizz 4 years old also a rescue had him in November
All are very handsome pet's.
Would call em adorable but I would mean it in a very virile sort of way.
Tired Daisy
Please sir can i have some more!!!

They are both from last year i will have to get some more.

and daisy when she was a puppy
Well I've already posted our 3rd member of the household lucas but the image link has broke so here he is
Untitled by Mr-T-, on Flickr
Untitled by Mr-T-, on Flickr

And as of today our 4th member of the household Tasha. 7 weeks old tomorrow

Tasha @ 7weeks old by Mr-T-, on Flickr
DSC_0174 by Mr-T-, on Flickr
Aw wee soul looks so young to be away from her litter! What is she?

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Has Lucas had the snip? Could get interesting!

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Aw wee soul looks so young to be away from her litter! What is she?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Has Lucas had the snip? Could get interesting!

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Hey lindy.
She is a little too young. Only 6 weeks but isn't an intentional buy. She was rescued from a druggies house along with other pups as they were kept in shocking conditions and so I had one. :)

She's a little staff too and unfortunately for lucas he had the snip ha. He was really ill in January and during his op they took them away...he wasn't amused neither was I but no doubt he will still try.