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Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabinet!

Here is my Cabinet

It's custom made of smoked Acrylic and i've crammed in 25mm PVC hard plumbing manifolds for:

Two inlets drilled through the tank base, one 'high flow' from a strainer, one corner 'weir overflow'. A solenoid valve bypass increases the 'draw' needed for overflow on the corner weir, which 'encloses' one inlet through the tank.
This is the 'lower' pipework with orange handled ball valves and visible 25mm threaded, (18mm bore) brass solenoid valve.

Drain connections, to attatch 1" gravity fed, or 16mm 'pumped' hoses for fast water changes.

An outlet manifold, (higher pipework) feeding twin 16mm outlets to lilly pipes. One in line CO2 fed 'high flow' (daytime) and one low to higher at night, via a second solenoid bypass. When open, this 'releases' pressure through the Aqumass reactor, fed to the lower lilly pipe one side of the tank. Then the fiter flow is then boosted and more water is diverted to the higher outlet on the other side of the tank. When timed, this increases surface flow and aeration at night.

Auto top up and dosing is taken care of by a GHL Profilux 4 way timed dosing unit, drawing fluids from a 4 section Acrylic tank.
3mm bore tubing with a flow pressurised from the filter, sweeps nutrient doses from three of the peri pumps into the tank.
The 4th pump has been secondary 12V fed as a slave to a timed float switch, bracketed inside the corner weir. This keeps the tank topped up, when the weir is 'off', which is the best way to maintain the action and flow over it, set via ball valves on the inlet manifold.

The Helix UV sterilizer in line with the reactor is seldom on, it just acts as a second reactor and trap for smaller co2 bubbles. An in line hydor heater (behind the FX5) heats the tank.

If only this cabinet could clean itself.... it's a bloody dust magnet :lol:

Cheers, Pete
My first response to that post was to swear in my head! That is one serious looking cabinet! I just hope you know where all the pipes go as it looks really confusing, but certainly tidy!
jesus! now that is a cabinet :lol:
Amazing! That's gotta be the end of this thread, nobody can beat that....... can they?

As samc said, would be nice to see a pic of the tank, just to get a perspective of what that's controlling!
Thanks guys,

Yes, it took time and it's complicated 🙂 The weir does keep the surface clean and the water splashes over it progressively during the night, which i think better feeds the filter with oxygen. Wether or not the rest if it works any better than a couple of cannister filters and 'simple' pipework only time will tell....

I have to be honest here and say i wish the tank looked as good as the cabinet :lol:
This is mainly due to recently removing a 'risky in the longrun' sand foreground from an Acrylic tank. Cyanobacter in the sand :evil: cleaning and removing it were going to really scratch the acrylic sooner rather than later. So i bottled it and went for plan B:

Having to replace it with more ADA AS with waaaay too much water still IN the tank because it was partially stocked 😳
The resulting algae outbreak has been a battle... but i'm slowly getting there now.
A bit of rescaping and replacement is whats needed now, when it looks decent 😀 i'll get some shots of it all working. 😉

pompeyfan said:
Here is my Cabinet
Amazing plumbing skills there 🙂 don't think that can be beatten in complexity haha
Would be nice to see some diagrams how it all connects together.
Re: Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabi

"when it looks decent i'll get some shots of it all working."

So 15 months later, where are the shots???????
Re: Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabi

Not much room left to store much in mine

Re: Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabi

nice tank squiggley but your plug arrangement worrys me mate.can you not fit a longer gang socket it there so its not all bending.
Re: Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabi

That was only a temporary arrangement.
Re: Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabi

ok just looked a bit dodgy
Re: Show me your tidy cabinet! (Now piccies of my tidy cabi

Nice to revive this oldish thread. More pics please!